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"Finally," Stan huffed, as Bill and the others finally managed to pin the map of the Derry map on the projector, the image being of the Derry sewer system. Bill had just shown us his sewer model, made from hamster tunnels and he used little toy soldiers to signify our little brothers. He was onto something, I could tell. I made my self comfortable on the floor, leaning back against Eddie's legs as he twirled my hair. Mike closed the garage door and sat beside me.

"Look," Bill pointed. "That's where G-G-Georgie and Teddy went m-missing. The ironworks, the blackspot."

"Everywhere IT happens," Ben stared.

"It's connected by sewers." Bev realised.

"And they all m-meet up at the well h-h-house." Bill finished.

"The house on Neibolt street." Stan elaborated, sounding beyond terrified.

"You mean, the house where all the junkies and hobo's like to sleep?" Richie asked to no one in particular.

"I hate that place, it always feels like it's watching me." Bev added, Eddie heavily breathing at the mention and I began to rub his back.

"That's where I saw the clown." He puffed his inhaler.

"That's where IT lives." I stated, turning to face Bill.

"Why would anyone wanna live there?" Mike asked.

"Can we stop talking about this?" Eddie stood in front of the white screen, the now distorted street map casting red lines across his ghostly white face. "It's summer, we're kids. I can barely breath, I'm having a fucking asthma attack!" He began to panic and Richie stood, trying to console the boy. "I'm not doing this." Eddie reached behind him, ripping the map from the board.

"Put the map back on." I told him as if he would listen in his state.

Then, the projector began to click. Old family photos of Bill's family being displayed. "What's going on, Bill?" Stan asked, but the clicks only got louder and more vicious. In every photo, we saw IT, in the faces of his parents, Georgie, every photo. By now, the group was panicking.

"Turn it off!" 

"What the fuck!"

Then, my family photos began to click into show. "What the fuck. What the fuck! How the fuck are my photos here?" I yelled, the projector reel was empty, but somehow still displaying the image. Teddy and I at a theme park. Teddy and I feeding animals at the zoo. Teddy and I on the first day of school, and without fail, IT was in them all.

I kicked the projector off of the table it was stood on, the photos clicking out of the reel and the blank light shaking slightly on screen. It seemed to be over. I stepped close to the board, placing my hand against it.

"Cass." Bill placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Cass, no!" Richie shouted, I turned around, it was not Bill, but that fucking clown, again. He grabbed me by the throat, backing me up against a wall.

"Oh fuck." Before I could even register what was happening, his head jerked forward to the crook of my neck, breathing deeply. I didn't want to display fear, the others watched anxiously, a few crying as the supernatural jester sniffed at me for fear like a police dog for narcotics.

I was stood bolt upright, my hands straight down by my sides, so I turned to my only comfort, my salvation, my lover. His bright, ocean eyes stared back at me, I could tell he was even more scared then I was. "It's alright." He mouthed to me. "I love you."

The clown's eyes met mine, they were bright green, almost glowing. "Hiya, Cass." His voice came out scratchy, almost like a squealing pig at the slaughter house.

"How do you know my name?" I asked, every so often meeting Bill's eyes.

"I know everyone's name. Don't you wanna know mine?" He asked.

"Not really." I stated and he pouted.

"Well, I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown." He jingled the bells on his suit as he jumped up. "And since you've been so rude, I may rethink telling you what I have for you."

"I don't care." I played tough.

"What are you afraid of, Corcoran?" He asked, reaching a dirty-gloved hand out to tuck hair behind my ears.


"Not even," A cough drew my attention, I looked at Bill, who began grasping at his throat, his face turning redder by the second as he was desperately gasping for air. He fell into a slump on the floor whilst the others tried to help him. "That?"

"Stop!" I grabbed at Pennywise's arm.

I knew he was enjoying this, the fear was radiating off of each and everyone of us at the moment, and you didn't need to be extra terrestrial to smell it. 

"I know what you're all afraid of. Soon, you'll all float." He gave a giggle, and then disappeared, the only sign of him being there at all was the red balloon floating to the ceiling of the garage and the hand print on my neck of the same colour.

"Bill." I ran the short distance over to him, by now he was okay, just heavily breathing.

"You did s-so well," He pulled me in for a hug, breathing in my scent just like Pennywise had a moment ago. "You were so br-rave." 

"Cass, that was really something." Bev congratulated, hugging me.

"Yeah, pretty hardcore." Mike added. Soon enough all of the losers were hugging me.

"I'd fucking shit my pants in front of the douche bag, I don't know how you did that." Richie kissed my cheek.

"You and Bev are the greatest girls i've ever met." Ben smiled, the statement more for Bev than for me. 

"If I was in your position, I think I would've just cried." Stan stated.

"Spaghetti, you okay, kid?" I ruffled Eddie's hair.

"Fine, fine, just can't believe what I just saw." He stared blankly, still shaking from the encounter. 

"Well, Eds, he's gone now. We're okay, we're all okay." I reassured, grabbing Bill's hand and pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

"But we all know what this means." I spoke quietly with my eyes closed, relishing the taste of Bill's sugar lips with my forehead against his. "We're gonna have to go to Neibolt house."

"We're g-gonna have to end this-s." 

A/N: I updated like 2 days ago i'm on a fuckin roll and i'm actually semi proud of this chapter

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