Chapter 1: Playgrounds and Texting

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV


After getting lunch we sat on a bench watching as little kids ran around in the park. No one around here recognized me so we were fine. The little kids chased one another and hid behind the structures in the playground waiting to be found in a game of hide and seek. They would wait for just the right moment to jump out and scare their clueless friends.

The cold air nipped at the skin of my cheeks as she snuggled closer to me letting her woven scarf rise over her pink cheeks. Her arms wrapped tenderly around my waist and mine protectively draped behind her back and around her torso. I looked down at her as I drew small circles on her shoulder with my finger. She was beautiful. I couldn't understand what she saw in a boy like me. Her glassy brown eyes squinted as her cheeks rose in laughter. I reluctantly looked up to see what she was laughing at.

Much to my amusement, there was a little kid who had somehow managed to get himself stuck between two hoops of the monkey bars. He was just dangling there waiting for someone to notice him and save him. She looked up at me and I knew what she was telling me. I stood up, ignoring the protest of my body for leaving her warmth, and jogged over to the dangling kid. He looked at me and hesitantly asked for help in a nervous voice. I chuckled then proceeded to lift him out of the monkey bars. He smiled at me gratefully and thanked me.

I walked back to her and took her hand to help her stand up. We walked back to her apartment and stepped inside with our hands still entangled. I turned the TV on and sat beside her on the couch. She curled up into my warmth again and we watched a movie. After eating dinner, I scooped her up and carried her to bed while she giggled and circled her arms around my neck. I gently placed her on the bed and stripped my t-shirt off. After wrapping us in multiple blankets, I slid my arms around her waist and held her against my chest. She kept her eyes closed but smiled at me as her warm breath blossomed across my chest. Our legs tangled together and I felt familiar butterflies in my stomach when the words "I love you Taehyung" slipped out of her mouth in a sincere and soft murmur. Her lips parted slightly as she took a deep breath. "I love you too," I spoke and we continued to talk throughout the night, never getting tired of each other.

I hate to admit it but I was never really paying attention to what she said but rather listening to the silky smooth voice that was flowing from her lips and how much uncontainable affection I felt towards her, I found myself unable to imagine a life without her.

-end of flashback-

Taehyung POV

The blaring noise of my alarm clock shattered any sleep that I had finally been able to fall into for the last two hours of the early morning. I flailed my arm around near my nightstand, attempting to find my cracked phone. I finally landed a hand on it and chucked it across my room. It hit the wall, making a loud banging sound.

The alarm stopped making noise but I didn't really care if it would wake up my Hyungs or Kook. I don't really care about anything anymore. Not after I lost her. I got up and found a t-shirt on the floor. I threw it on and sleepily made my way to the kitchen. Starting the coffee maker, I grabbed a mug from the dishwasher.

After drinking the entire mug, I returned to my bedroom, only to find my phone still lying on the floor. I lazily picked it up and flopped onto my bed. Unlocking it, I looked at all of my notifications and checked my twitter. I heard commotion and groans in the hallway, accompanied by an array of profanities as I watched as a practically still asleep Yoongi trip over a laundry basket in the hallway as he made his way to the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and trained them back into what I had been doing on my phone, I guiltily opened messages and just as I had expected, a recent text showed on my screen. My heart skipped a few beats as I looked at the contact name. It was her, again.

Her: Hi, I hope your new music is coming along well

Her: Don't overwork yourself

Her: Tell the boys I said hello

I smiled to myself as I read the texts. I scrolled up, only to see the other numerous texts I'd received from her. I felt so much guilt as I looked at the number of times I'd responded. Zero. I tapped on the message bar hesitantly but changed my mind as I once again threw my phone across the room and curled up into a ball on my bed. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I quickly swiped it away and remained curled up in a ball. Well, that is until Jiminie came in and jumped on me saying that if I don't get up we'd be late to practice. I reluctantly dragged my body out of bed again, took a shower and put on some clean clothes. Then the seven of us then made our way to the BigHit Entertainment studio to practice and record for our upcoming album.

Mihyun POV

The warmth of the sun rays flooded through my apartment window as I was awoken by Skittles, my cat. He was purring and rubbing my face telling me that he was hungry. I stretched my arms over my head, yawning unattractively. I dropped a hand to the other side of my bed even though I knew I wouldn't find the warmth that I was looking for. The only thing I found was my phone. I picked it up and checked my twitter. A text from my best friend Soohyun popped up.

Soohyun: Hey! Wanna get coffee at the corner cafe outside your apartment building???

Me: Yeah, sure. See you there in about a half-hour?

Soohyun: Alright, see ya then!

I proceeded to get out of my blanket cocoon and feed Skittles, then took a shower to freshen up. I got dressed and applied some makeup and figured that I had some time to spare since the cafe was within walking distance. I plopped on my bed and opened your contact name. I remembered that you had a new album coming out soon and I was hoping it would go well for you and the boys. I texted you again, telling you not to overwork yourself. Even though I didn't see you anymore, I would hate for you to get sick.

I knew you wouldn't respond. You never did, and I figured you never would. I don't know why I even kept texting you. It was pointless and only made me feel more upset that I lost you. I missed you so much. I guess texting you made it feel like you were still here to respond to me. I guess you thought that I would never forgive you.

I wondered if you had moved on. Were you ever in as much pain as I am. Did you even think about me ever? Did you miss me too? The number of nights I spent crying myself to sleep and the countless times Soohyun found me curled up in a ball locking myself in a corner of my apartment was too often to count.

I looked back down at my phone and opened you contact once again. Just delete it and forget about him! Get over the fact that what you had with him is over! I thought to myself. But I couldn't. It would have been too painful to accept, like the final breath of air blown into a balloon just before it pops despite the fact that you were the one blowing it up and you lead to its destruction all at the same time. Three little dots showed up on the screen showing me that you were typing a response. My heart stuttered over numerous beats and I glued my eyes to my phone.

Then just as fast as they appeared, they disappeared. My heart sank all the way to my stomach and my eyes stung with the beginning of tears. I had that one hope that you would one day respond but this just proves you want nothing to do with me. At the same time, part of me wishes you wouldn't respond because I don't know how I could handle being told to leave you alone. I looked at the time and lazily started to make my way to the cafe, pathetic tears and all.

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