Chapter 2: Make-up and Bestfriends

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Mihyun POV

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Mihyun POV


I woke up to my phone ringing. Your smiling profile picture filled my screen. I slid the green button across the bottom of the screen.

"Good morning, beautiful," Your warm gravelly voice filled my ear and a grin splayed across my face.

"Hello, handsome," You chuckled at my response.

"Get dressed quick, I'm on my way to your apartment. I wanna go out somewhere with you."

"Okay! I'll see you soon. I love you."

"Love you too, Taehyung." I ended the call and rolled out of bed.

I got dressed and went to brush my teeth when he knocked on my door. I smiled and skipped to the door, opening it up to see my beautiful boyfriend staring at me with an amused grin, a black mask resting under his chin and thin, silver-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. I don't know what he sees in me. He's so handsome and he's dating someone like me.

"Hi, babe." He spoke and pulled me into his warm embrace.

I hummed in response due to the toothbrush in my mouth and ran into the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste and clean my toothbrush. He sat down on my bed and watched me put some makeup on.

"You do know that you look gorgeous without that stuff, right?" He said to me.

I looked at him in the mirror, "You know that's not true," I giggled.

He looked at me again and stood up from the bed. I watched him walk over to me. His arms wrapped tenderly around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. We watched ourselves in the mirror. I leaned forward to apply mascara to my eyelashes and felt his arms leave my waist, only to watch his hands gently grab the mascara from mine, twist the cap back on and place it on the bathroom counter.

I turned around to look at him when he suddenly lifted me off the ground and placed me on the counter as well. His hips slipped in between my legs and I crossed my ankles behind him. I looked at him with a confused face as he leaned in and his soft lips landed on mine. His gentle lips kissed every feature of my face and my cheeks heated when he pulled away to swipe a strand of hair gently behind my ear while his deep voice whispered.

"Don't ever doubt how beautiful you are."

-end of flashback-

Taehyung POV

The boys and I had just finished practicing the choreography for our new song and were taking a quick break before getting up again to perfect the moves even more than we already had. I took a gulp of water and wiped the sweat off of my forehead. My phone sat on top of my bag and I couldn't help but pick it up and check my notifications. I knew what I wanted to see and I knew it wouldn't be there. I knew I didn't deserve to see it. I knew I didn't deserve her.

Jungkook came over to me and saw how I was reluctant to pick up my phone.

"Hyung, just call her. We all know how much you miss her and we can all see how the lack of her presence is affecting you. You never smile anymore, you're always sad. Please, just call her and fix things." He pleaded.

"You know I can't do that," I replied without looking up at him. He sighed and turned around with a slight shake of his head.

About ten minutes later, we were back to dancing. I listened to the song and the lyrics. They had a different meaning without her. They weren't the same. The notes were duller. The words held less meaning. I wasn't the same. I miss her, but I can't turn back time. I am helpless.

Mihyun POV

I took a step outside. A gust of wind brought a chill to my face in the places where my tears remained. I wiped them away and took my phone out. I check the way my face looked in the camera to make sure nobody could tell I had been crying. My reflection looked the same as always. The same dull eyes that were now glassy because of the tears. The same stringy brown hair, that draped over my shoulders. And the same emotionless expression that perpetually painted my face. The one that only resurfaces when he's not here.

I turned the corner, crossed the street and pulled the familiar handle of the door to the coffee shop. The bell above the door rang as usual and I spotted my best friend. She crouched over her phone with a steaming mug of coffee sitting in front of her.

"Hey, Soohyun." I greeted her with a fake smile.

"Mihyun!!" She shouted, causing the all of the other people in the cafe to look our direction. I giggled and she stood up to wrap me in a hug. I gladly accepted and hugged her back. Her hugs were the only ones that reminded me of Taehyung's. Warm and protective. Thinking of him only made me want to cry again, so I sucked up my tears and put on a real smile. Because after all that she had done for me, Soohyun deserved one.

Soohyun was the one who'd comfort me when I was sitting alone in my apartment with nothing on my mind but how much I miss him. She was the one who came over with three boxes of mac n cheese and a pile of movies. The one who would listen to me rant at 2 in the morning and show up at my door ten minutes later with a bundle of blankets and a box of chocolate chip cookies. I owed her.

"So, are you gonna tell me why you've been crying?" she said once we sat down at the table.

"What are you talking about, I haven't been crying!" I said defensively.

She looked at me like I was the stupidest person she knows "Mihyun, I can see straight through you. You were bawling your eyes out for some reason this morning and I am requesting that you tell me why."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Of course, she would be able to tell if I was crying.

"Fine, I was texting Tae this morning, and he was about to text me back but didn't and it solidified the fact that he never wants to see or hear from me again."

I said with a frown on my face.

"I text him basically every day because I just can't let go of him yet and he never responds. But I can't stop because I still love him just as I did before, if not, more." I kept saying. Every word bringing me closer to a mental breakdown full of tears and questions as to why he would never love me again.

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