Chapter 3: Concert Kisses and Photoshoots

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Mihyun POV

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Mihyun POV


"Good luck Tae, I'll be watching from the back." I hugged him as the boys were just about to go on stage.

"Good luck to all of you!" I went around giving them all hugs, the one for Tae lasted longer but they were all close to me.

"Thank you Mihyun!" They shouted over the fans.

I smiled and ushered them closer to the stage. Just as I turned around, Tae snatched my wrist and pulled me into his embrace. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear.

"I love you too, babe. See you after the concert." He said back to me.

The next thing I knew, they had all run under the stage and the crew pressed the button to raise them up from the stage. I watched in complete adoration as they passionately sang, rapped and danced to the songs that they had put so much work into.

-time skip to the end of the concert-

The boys were wrapping up the concert after going on stage for the encore. They all thanked the fans and the crew but what touched my heart was when Taehyung had mentioned me (obviously not my name) in his ending words. I couldn't help but feel too many emotions for him. I love him so much. The boys came jogging off stage and all but one went straight to the dressing rooms.

"You guys did amazing, as expected." I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms made their way around my waist. Little did we know, the rest of the boys were watching with disgust as I kissed his lips despite how sweaty he was.

"Now that is true love if she's willing to kiss him in that state," Hobi said to the rest of the group.

Tae popped an eye open and glared at them playfully. They rolled their eyes and I giggled as we broke off from the kiss.

"You're just jealous." He stated smugly as I moved to his side to face them, his arm still wrapped around my waist.

"Of course I'm gonna kiss him now, I'd kiss him any time of day!" I smiled at my boyfriend as he tightened his grip around my waist. Once again, the rest of the boys rolled their eyes at us.

-end of flashback-

Taehyung POV

"Ready to go Hyung?" Jungkook snaps me out of my daydreaming.

"Yeah. Wait, where are we going again?" I asked because to be honest, I wasn't listening to a word that had just come out of the manager's mouth.

"Really hyung?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Yes idiot, now just tell me already."

"We have a photoshoot. For the cosmetic company collaboration." Jungkook said back to me.

"Oh yeah. I totally remember that. Thanks." I lied.

"You suck at lying hyung and you're welcome." He chuckled and we caught up with the rest of the group who were getting into the car.

We drove to the location where the photo shoot would take place and they ushered us all into white chairs, used for the artists so that they could put our makeup on. This was for a cosmetics company after all.

"Hi, I'm here to do your makeup." A short girl with cropped hair stood in front of me holding a large bag, assumably filled with cosmetics. She smiled at me and I nodded back. I proceeded to take off my mask and hat as she started taking out what she would be putting on my face. We had different makeup artists today because there were specific products that they needed to use.

About twenty minutes later, my complexion was a few shades lighter and my eyes were darkened around the edges. Silver earrings dangled down and touched the collar of my shirt.

The rest of the boys were just finishing up as well. I walked around the room, waiting for someone to be done or for someone to call me for photos.

"We will now begin the photo shoot. Let's begin with some group shots." The main photographer voiced as the rest of the boys were thanking the women who did their makeup.

"Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook, you'll be a group." The man directed us to the center of the background and handed us some branded cosmetics. We posed as usual and followed the instructions of the director. He seemed pleased.

This reminded me too much of every time she would take pictures of me. At least once every day, I would find her face hidden behind a camera that was pointed at me. I mean, she was a photographer, so what did I expect? I smiled, thinking of her collection of photos of me and of us.

"That's great Taehyung, keep smiling." The photographer knocked me out of my thoughts. My real smile slipped from my face as the memory was ripped from my mind and was replaced with a fake one.

The photo shoot continued as they normally do. A few small group photos, some with the entire group, and lastly the individual ones.

I sat on the chairs in the changing room while waiting for the rest of the boys to finish with their individual shoots. I went first which meant I would have to wait by myself for someone else to finish. I fished my phone out of my bag and opened my camera roll. I looked through my photos until I couldn't anymore. They were all of her. Her gentle smile and kind eyes. Each photo was a reminder of what I lost. I could never delete them. I felt a burst of impulsivity and opened up her contact. Without thinking, I pressed her phone number and my phone dialed her's. Ring after ring.

"This is Mihyun, Leave a message."

My heart sped up at the sound of her voice but I hung up without leaving a message.

"Tae. Stop, you're only making it worse." Jimin's voice startled me and I looked up and saw him standing in the doorway with a sad expression on his face.

"When you are sad, it makes me sad. " He walked closer to me and gently took my phone from my hands, tossing it onto a pile of clothes. I stood up and he hugged me. I hugged him back and felt warm tears stream down my cheeks, hitting his shoulder. 

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