Chapter 8: Distractions and Reflections

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV


*extension of the flashback in chapter five*

"You guys are looking really good. Keep up the good work. Suga-ssi, could you stand up all little bit taller? And Jungkook-ssi, could you bend your knees the slightest bit or do something subtle to be a tiny bit closer to Jimin-ssi's height? Oh, and V-ssi, could you relax a little bit more? You seem a bit tense." Her melodic voice breezed through one ear and went straight out the other. What did she just say? Was she talking to me? Did she say that the shoot was almost over? I hope not, I could spend the rest of time admiring her. Why wasn't I listening to what she said? Why was it so hard to pay attention to both her actions and what he was saying? Why is it so hard to be normal and calm right now? Oh, right, she's standing right in front of us and I am hypnotized by her. I've only known her for ten minutes but I already notice little things that are making my heart beat speed up. Why is this happening? What is she doing to me? I don't even know her!

"Hyung, chill, you're super tense. Did you hear the photographer?" Jungkook's hushed voice and slight elbow to the side of my waist were what brought me back to what was actually going on around me. My eyes widened. That must've been what she was talking about before.

"Sorry," I whispered back and glanced at Kook to see that he was back to posing for the camera. After taking a deep breath I attempted to calm myself down but it wasn't working. My hands were getting increasingly clammy, my shoulders continued to stay in their tense position, even my feet couldn't seem to stop moving as I couldn't help but anxiously shuffle them every now and then. 

I wondered if anyone could hear my heart beating its way out of my chest. Another distressed glance around the room led me to meet the beautiful mixture of honey, hazelnut, and cocoa that swirled in the irises of the photographer. My eyes widened and I snapped my eyes away. But not before I saw the slightest dusting of pink, adorning her cheeks. I hoped the amount of makeup I had on had masked the heat that I was felt rising in my own cheeks at the moment.

"Alright, let's take a short break to review the photos to make sure that there are some that we can use. Then we'll start with the individual photos." I took a much-needed sigh of relief as those words came out of her mouth. But my previous feeling returned as soon as I acknowledged that I still had to do the individual shoot.

"Taaaeeeeeehhhhyuuuunnnnngggiiiiiieee, what's going on with you? I've been calling your name for the last few seconds but you were spacing out. Just like you have been ever since the photo shoot started. She must've told you like six times to not be so tense but you never listened." Jimin's voice whined.

Six times!? What? I only heard the one that Jungkook told me!

"Sorry, I'm not feeling so good," I muttered quietly.

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