Chapter 4: Pictures and Picnics

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV


I groaned and rolled over as I stretched my arms above my head. The cool air in the room hit my limbs and the top of my shoulders. I heard a delicate giggle and looked to my side to see Mihyun standing by the edge of the bed with a mug of tea in one hand and a pale blue polaroid camera in the other. Her dark hair tied up in a messy bun flopped forward and her oversized t-shirt, that I identified as mine, hung off her shoulder as she gently placed the mug on the nightstand and pulled the photo out from the bottom of the camera. I watched as she waved it back and forth. 

A loving smile spread across her face as she lifted the photo to see the final image. I saw as her eyes darted to me and she flipped the photo around to reveal the image to me. It was a screenshot of what I had just been doing moments earlier. My arms fully outstretched and my brown hair tousled over the white pillow. My lips were slightly open and my eyes were squinted shut. I chuckled at how she loved to take photos of me at the weirdest times. 

The bed dipped as she placed her knee up and reached over the get the photo. I watched again as she opened a drawer and placed it in a pile that had begun to slide over and fall because of the number of photos in it. She turned around again and sat with her legs crossed in the middle of the bed. I looked at her and waited for what she was going to do but she just sat there staring at me. I tugged her sleeve and she laid with me, grinning when I pulled her into my warm embrace, tangling our legs together in the same position we had fallen asleep in.

"Why were you up so early today?" I asked. Usually, I was the first one to be out of bed.

"I don't know, I just woke up earlier than usual." She said back to me.

I watched as her glassy brown eyes darted down to her two hands that were fidgeting with the hem of my shirt that she was wearing, almost as if they were refusing to meet mine. Something was weird this morning. I don't know what happened but it had me worried. 

How could what seemed like a perfect morning suddenly have such a small tinge of sadness? It may have been small but the presence was something that you couldn't ignore.

-end of flashback-

Mihyun POV

I looked out the window to the buzzing city below, questioning how it could be so busy on a Sunday. No work to do and no plans...yet. The buzzing noise of my phone interrupted my thoughts and I looked over to see the face of my best friend filling the screen. I chuckled at her dorky profile picture and picked up the call.

"Hi, Mihyun!" She said with excitement.

"Hi, what's going on, why are you so happy right now?"

"Because we're going on a picnic at the park and you're coming with us, no buts about it. I know you don't work on Sundays and I also know that you don't have any plans because if you did, I would be part of them." She stated matter of factly. I giggled and shook my head because as much as I tried to deny it, I knew that this was all true.

"Okay, what time?" I asked. It was already half past noon, so I probably wouldn't have much time before she showed up at my apartment to pick me up.

"I'll be at your apartment building in like twenty minutes, I have to make a quick stop to run an errand." She answered me.

"Okay, I'll see you then, bye!" I hung up and went to go take a quick shower. As much as I wanted to just throw it in the garbage, I couldn't help but leave his shampoo in the shower. Comes to show the number of times he accidentally forgot it here. And there it was, sitting directly next to mine. I reached for it and the smell wafted up to my nose. It smelled like him. It smelled like how my hands would after spending hours in bed watching movies while I played with his silky, soft hair.

I sighed and placed it back on the shelf, and grabbed mine from beside it, proceeding to lather my hair with some sort of coconut scented shampoo.

After getting out of the shower, I blow dried my hair and put it into a messy bun with some pieces falling out. Then I put on a tight-fitting pair of high-waisted jeans and a pale blue button-up shirt, which I tucked loosely into my jeans. I added a belt and grabbed my purse to check if I had my wallet.

I heard a knock on my door and yelled to Soohyun that I was coming. I don't know why she hadn't just invited herself in with the spare key I gave her but I figured she must've forgotten it.

After opening the door, she ran over and flopped onto my bed. I giggled as she let out a comfortable sigh.

"Why is your bed always so comfortable?" She complained.

"I don't know how it's any more comfortable than yours."

"Well, then maybe it's the number of pillows and comforters you have." Just as those words came out of her mouth, she threw a pillow in my direction. I was too slow to dodge it as it came flying towards me. It hit my side as Soohyun laughed at me.

I sent her a glare and she was quick to jump off the bed and hide behind the kitchen counter.

Laughing, I ran over to her and chucked the pillow at her. We laughed until we were both lying on the floor.

"We should probably go now," I said after regaining my breath.

"Oh yeah! Are you ready?" She giggled out.

"Yeah, I'm all set," I said, smiling at how happy I was, it's been a long time since I was this happy and I wasn't faking it this time. This time I was actually happy. I don't want to know what sort of state I would be in at the moment if I didn't have Soohyun.

We headed out of my apartment and walked over to her parked car. After getting in, I looked to the backseat to see what kind of foods she had gotten, and by the looks of it, this was going to be a good picnic.

As we arrived at the park, I saw some of my friends chatting while waiting for us. It's been a while since I have seen them, so I was looking forward to seeing them for the first time in a while.

Suddenly, my phone, which was on my lap, started vibrating. I flipped it over to see who was calling and my heart stopped when I saw the contact. It was him. He was calling me. I stared at my phone. Should I answer it? No, it was probably just an accident, he never wants to speak to me again. I slid the bar that would send it to voicemail and sighed, sucking back in my tears. I miss him and I need him. But there's nothing I can do about it. 

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