Chapter 14: Soohyun and Confusion

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Taehyung POV

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Taehyung POV


"... And she's quite forward so don't be surprised if she says something about the way you look or asks you a relatively blunt question. Also, she's really tall and has the softest short brown hair I've ever felt. Well, that is apart from yours but anyways. Oh! And for some reason, she always carries lollypops in her purse so if she offers you one, it's not poisoned or anything. And she never really stops talking. She's also quite sassy and probably won't hesitate to joke around with you even though she's never met you. Since we are going to a cafe, I'll let you know ahead of time that she always adds ridiculously excessive amounts of sugar in her coffee so it might be weird but that's why I'm telling you now. Also, as much as she hates to admit it, she's really clumsy and is constantly breaking things and knocking them over and tripping over her own feet. I remember when we were leaving my apartment yesterday and she had finished tying her shoelaces and we were going down the stairs but she still managed to trip over her tied shoelaces, after getting off of the staircase. So, I'm just saying, she's pretty clumsy. And..." Mihyun's bubbly voice chatted on as she thought of every possible thing I might need to know before meeting her best friend, Soohyun. After weeks of hearing from Mihyun about how much she was dying to meet me, we had planned to meet up at the cafe today. 

As much as I tried to hide it from her, I was nervous. I knew there wasn't really anything to be that nervous about but I also knew that this was Mihyuns best friend and I knew how close they wore so I didn't want to mess it up. All my thoughts were calmed as I felt her warm hand wrap its way around mine. Her delicate fingers reached between mine and tangled themselves together.

"And if you do mess up or anything along those lines, I'll be there. So don't worry. She may seem like a lot at first but she's really a sweetheart." Her angelic voice was both comforting and calming the same time. "And plus, I don't see any and can't think of any reasons why she won't adore you as much as I do." Her hand tightened around my own and she shuffled closer to my side as we walked. 

She looked up at me with her honey-dripping golden eyes and her cheeks squished up as she smiled widely at me. I grinned down at her and pecked her nose, sending giggles though both of us.


The bells above the coffee shop door my jingled as the two of us walked hand in hand into the cafe. Mihyun pulled me over to a table where a tall short-haired brunette sat with her face buried in her phone.

"Soohyunie, we're here." She said in a quiet voice. Almost whispering it into her ears. I figured it might have been in hopes of her not doing what she ended up doing anyway which included her looking up at the two of us, her gentle doe eyes reminding me of Jungkook's, then letting out a high-pitched squeak, and proceeding to gather the attention of every other person in the shop by jumping up and down giving my girlfriend a half hug/half strangle while she excitedly cheered her name. I guess they hadn't seen each other in a while? And by a while, I meant 48 hours.

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