The Buisness

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We Look Like a Superhero Team
     We stood together for the first time in a long time. All we were missing is one. I glared at Victoria, and we ran into the fray. Brooklyn and I immediately started to fly and scouted the battle

I flew next to her, "So we're crowd control?"

"Yes, watch me," She held her hand out and followed one wolf, "Dormio!" The wolf fell limp to the ground.

"Sleep?" I repeated.

She nodded, "We're not in the business of killing." She floated off, knocking people out left and right.

I did the same until I saw Dante and Jacob fighting. Jacob was two feet shorter and wasn't nearly as powerful as a wendigo. I cast a shield on Jacob and floated down. "Got your back."

Dante screeched at us and came charging. I whipped out my wand and zapped him. Dante kept coming no matter what I did. He lunged us, and I grabbed Jacob and flew up. Dante's talons barely missed our feet, and I held out my hand to put him to sleep. Dante fell to the ground with a bullet hole in his side. I didn't do that. I looked into the distance and saw my parents with guns leveled at us.

"No!" I moved my hand and cast a spell to disarm my parents. I dropped Jacob and flew to Dante.

"Dante?" Maeve came running over, and she put her hand over the wound. "Dante?" She started crying. She opened her mouth, and I didn't think she meant to, but she shrieked. The entire war zone went silent with everyone holding their ears. Maeve looked at Vittorio with death in her eyes. "You did this!" Maeve stood up and passed the war zone of supernaturals bleeding from the ears. It was the scariest thing I'd ever seen.

I called after her, but my head was pounding, and I could barely see. "Maeve!" She turned around with soulless eyes. I looked into them, and it was like all the life was sucked out my lungs. I fell to the ground and watched what I could.

She walked below Vittorio, and he landed on the ground. Vittorio moved his mouth, but I couldn't hear any of the words coming out. He held his hand that Maeve slapped away, and she shrieked at him again. He went flying back, and I crawled to keep watching. I couldn't believe it. Vittorio was bleeding! Maeve shrieked again, this time blasting him into the ground. I slowly regained my hearing and could faintly hear the shriek.

Then I remembered Dante and wiggled over to him. I put my hands on the wound and healed him. The spell dissipated and I felt so tired, I could barely keep my head up. I looked back at Maeve and still saw her screaming and crying.

"Maeve!" I shouted as loud as I could for her. "We aren't killers."

She stopped shrieking and turned around to me. She stomped up to me and picked me up from my arm. She held my bicep and glared at me.

"We don't kill people."

I saw a swoosh of brown hair, and Victoria touched her shoulder. Victoria looked human and sympathetic. She turned Maeve around and gave her a hug. Maeve collapsed, and I could faintly hear what they were saying.

"Casper already healed him. Dante is going to be okay. You guys will have to kill no one today." Maeve crumbled to the floor, tired. "I know," Victoria held her, "I know."

Brooklyn ran over to me and hit me in the arm, "Look." She pulled me up, and I looked at the hillside. Dozens of wolves, dozens of vampires, dozens dead, but all asleep on a hillside in Washington.

"Do you think the fighting will stop?"

Brooklyn shook her head, "The vampires and werewolves will leave Wolshire for sort of sacred reasons, but that won't end the fighting. They will never stop fighting. They've fought for so long, no one can even remember why."

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