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"Hey TaeTae, do you think Jiminie will have a daddy?" Taehyungs heart broke a little, Jimin has never had a daddy who treated him right. His first and last daddy was abusive.

Taehyung and Namjoon are his friends, not his official caregiver, but they want to find the right person to become his daddy.

"Jiminie will have an amazing daddy one day, I promise, and if he ever does something that Jiminie doesnt like, then me and Namjoon will beat him up!"

The little giggled at Taehyungs statement.

"Hey Jimin, I have some news for you!" Namjoon walked in and sat next to Jimin on the couch.

"So theres this app where you can talk to daddys and litttles, basically a ddlg app. Hoseok told me about it today while we were on the phone earlier. Maybe we can set up an account for you Chim." Namjoon smiled brightly at the little.

"Umm, I dont know Joonie, what if no one woves Jiminie?" Jimin began to feel nervous, what if he doesnt find a daddy on the app? Will he ever have a daddy?

"Chim, dont think like that, everyone loves you! C'mon, I will make an account for you, then you do the rest, and you can follow all these people who sell nice skirts and sweaters. It will be alright Jiminie." Namjoon grabbed hold of Jimins hand and took him up to his room, Taehyung followed behind, curious about the app.

"So if I make an account, I can find a little?" Taehyung asked.

Hes been wanting a little of his own for a long time, he doesnt mind taking care of Jimin, but Jimin doesnt want him 24/7 because the little sees him as a friend and not a daddy.

"Yeah, I got the app as soon as Hoseok told me about it and I have my eyes set on a little. He's the cutest."

Taehyung hoped he could find the right one. "Okay ChimChim, heres your account, it has the same username and password as your instagram. Now you can post and see whatever you want. Also, dont talk to whoever, only if they are people you think you can trust and seem nice, okay?" Jimin took his phone and started scrolling through everything. "Otay Joonie!"

"Good boy Jimin." praised Taehyung. They left the little alone for a while. Jimin set his profile picture, his status, and posted a couple pictures of himself. He spent the past 3 hours on it, looking through clothes and accessories.

Jimin already had 3 notifications, one from an old looking man, probably a creep, he blocked him. The second one being some random person, and the last one being a spam account.

Jimin clicked on the second one and started texting the person.

Agust.D: hi little one

Mochi.pjm: h-hai

Agust.D: how are you?

Mochi.pjm: I is gwood and chu?

Agust.D: thats good to hear and im doing good too.

Mochi.pjm: thas gwood!

Agust.D: whats your name?

Mochi.pjm: Jimin, but my friends call me Jiminie, ChimChim, and Mochi! Whats yours?

Agust.D: My name is Yoongi. And you have a cute name Jiminie~ Do you not have a daddy?

Mochi.pjm: thank chu! And no, I no has one, but my friends say I soon will!

Agust.D: wanna be friends Jiminie? I would like to get to know you :)

Mochi.pjm: yes! :3


"TaeTae! I have a fwen! His name is Yoongi, and he nice." Jimin was telling Taehyung everything about Yoongi, he kinda stalked his account. He found out that hes a dom, has no little but is looking for one, is 3 years older than him, and lives here in Seoul.

"Aww thats so nice Chim, but dont trust him too much. You guys just met, okay? I dont want anything bad to happen to you!" Taehyung hugged Jimin tightly. "Silly Tae, I know! I wanna see how he wooks wike." Jimin pulled out his phone and scrolled through Yoongis profile, but there appeared to be no photos. I will ask some other day to see him. Thought Jimin.

"Hey guys, wanna go out to eat dinner? Theres nothing to eat, im gonna have to buy groceries tomorrow." yelled Namjoon from the kitchen.

"Can we eat hamburger?" Jimin made puppy eyes to Namjoon, Taehyung and him wanted to go get pizza but no one can say no to ChimChim. "Okay, lets go eat some hamburgers."

"Yay! Thankies Joonie!" Jimin ran upstairs and changed into a baby blue sweater, some black skinny jeans, and his black shoes. "Okay lets go!"

They arrived about 20 minutes later and sit down at an empty table near the entrance of the burger place. Taehyung and Namjoon were sitting together and Jimin sat infront of them. The other two would feed Jimin a couple of frys and let him sip their drinks.

"Joonie, TaeTae, Jimin needs to go potty. I will be right back!" The other two nodded their heads, "Do you want one of us to go with you?" asked Taehyung, "No thankies, I can do it." Jimin left and got in one of the stalls, his cheeks flushed red.

He didnt actually need to pee, he saw him. The boy with those piercing brown eyes. They made eye contact earlier and the other smiled and waved at Jimin, making his heart beat like crazy and face go cherry red.

He was staring at Jimin, so deciding to run to the restroom was his choice of cope. He even slipped out of little space, afraid the other would see him in that state.

Get yourself together Park Jimin!

Jimin walked out of the stall and freshened up, the heat of cheeks fading back to normal. When he was done drying his hands, he turned around and accidentally bumped into someone, that someone being that boy. Jimin looked up and met eyes with him, he looked back, not a tint of anger was there, only a gummy smile.

"Im so sorry, I didnt mean to bump into you." apologized Jimin. The other chuckled and rufffled Jimins hair.

"Hey, its okay, you dont have to apologize. This is our what? Third time seeing each other? You dont need to be sorry." the boy smiled fondly at him.

"Whats your name?" asked said boy. "My name is Jimin, whats yours?" when Jimin introduced himself, the other seemed to have frozen a bit, eyes wide. "M-my name is Yoongi."

Yoongi... That name is familiar, is he an old friend? Nah, maybe he is friends with Namjoon or Taehyung.. Wait a second... Is he??

"Are you Min Yoongi? That guy I've been talking to...?" Jimin hoped it was him. "You're Park Jimin?"

Jimin felt his heart clench, he cant believe hes actually talking to his, quite attractive, friend. "You live around here Yoongi?" The other nodded, looking right into Jimins brown orbs.

"Its hyung to you, Minnie. Im older than you." smirked Yoongi. "Oh, sorry Yoongi hyung!" Jimin blushed, he did look older than him. Yoongi leaned his head towards Jimin, inches away from making contact with Jimins plump, pink lips.

"Or you can call me daddy."

Little ChimChim [#WATTYS2019]Where stories live. Discover now