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"I'm sorry guys." I said after I finished puking. I started crying

"It's okay, don't cry." Calum said giving me a hug

"Yeah, it was just some dumb ass who is desperate." Ash said and that made me laugh a little

"I just want to be alone." I told them

"Okay." Calum said and they walked back over to where Luke was.

I just walked around the park. I decided to go on green lantern at night, it lights up which I found really cool.

I got in one of the rows

"Ryan?" I almost passed out.

"Kristen? What are you doing here?!" he said giving me a hug and sitting in the same row I was.

"I am here with some of my friends." I said

"Cool. Same here." he said

"Have you been on this before?" I asked him

"Yeah. Have you been on Kinda Ka? It had a malfunction and went backwards today I heard!" he said as the ride crept up the hill

"Yes and sadly I was on it when it happened, it was scary shit." I said

"Oh my god you okay?" he asked

"Fine." I said and we made our first loop. I didn't care because I already knew what was going to happen.

After the ride was over I walked out and said bye to Ryan.

I tried to find Calum and Ash near the safari ride because that's where Luke kissed that brunette.

I called Ash.

"Hey where are you?"

"Hey we are on the safari and that brunette and blonde followed us. Fo you want to come?" he asked

"No thanks."

"Are you sure? We looked all over for you, and it's about to start." he said

"I'm good Ash. Have fun though." I said and hung up

Since the safari was 45 minutes I decided to take the bus home, I didn't want to talk to Luke tonight.

But first I wanted to go on the superman ride so I did and you hang down and my hair got all in my face.

After, I took the bus home. I went to Cameron's house. I rang the doorbell.

"Hey Kristen!" he said and gave me a big hug

"Hey Cameron, I haven't seen you in forever!" I said

"I know right." he said

"Come in!" he said

"Yeah, can I stay here for tonight?" I still don't feel safe at home." I said

"Of course." he said

Thank goodness I brought an extra pair of clothes. I wanted to stop at my house and get a few things but I knew that it is a target for anyone out there.

"Thanks so much Cam."

"Anytime. How are you feeling?" he asked

"I'm fine." I told him

"No your not." he said and my eyes widened

"How did you know?" I asked

"Because, it's obvious. Whenever someone says their fine, it really means they are hurt, scared, sad, useless, broken, defeated, never good enough, anxious, things of that nature." he said

"Wow. That was deep." I said

"Thanks." he said with a small smile

"Now tell me what's going on?" he said

"Well, me and Luke are dating and he took me to six flags. And this brunette asked Luke if she could kiss him tonight, and he asked me first and I said that it's was okay but it really wasn't. He kissed her and I threw up in the porta potty. And then the two girls went on the safari with Luke ash and Calum so I took the bus home and here I am." I said out of breath

"Wow you have been through a lot." he said giving me a hug

I started to cry.

"Sorry." i said

"It's okay." he said

Ash's POV

Where is Kristen? I looked everywhere.

Those bitches kept following us out.

I started to worry. Did she go home by herself? I called her

"Kristen?!" I said

"Yeah Ash?" she said

"Where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I am at my friends house." She said

"Okay, by the way those girls will not stop following us and it's annoying and.....wait....hold on Luke!"

Kristen's POV

Ash called me and I put it on speaker and Cameron was listening as well.

I heard Ash say something to Luke and heard him in the background.

"Ash? you still there?" I asked

"Yeah, sorry Luke kept talking to me. I'm sorry what was that?" he asked

"What did he say?" I asked

"He said....LUKE! Stop it! hey thats my...." Ash said and was cut off.

"KRISTEN! I am so sorry about kissing that brunette. You should've told me you wouldn't be okay with it." Luke said

"Well I was perfectly fine, throwing up in the Porta potty." I said sarcastically

And he sighed

"And how long did you kiss her?" i asked

"Probably 3 seconds, and then she wouldn't let go. I tried to but she kept pulling my neck to her face. My neck hurts like HELL!" he said

"After I wiped my mouth because she was sloppy, and me and the other guys tried to find you but then couldn't. Didn't you go home or something? Anyways we went to go on the safari and see if you were on, and just when it was about to start we couldn't get off and of course those girls followed us."

"Okay I get it." I said

"So why did you say you were okay with it?" he asked

"Because, if I said no then she would think I'm a wienie. Plus if fans want a kiss from you they should get one"..."on the check" I said softly

"I guess, if you have a girlfriend, you don't need to." he said

"That's IF." I said

"I'm sorry." he said

"It's okay." i said

"Can I have my phone back?!" I heard ash say and I laughed

"Okay, damn Ash. Love you Kristen." he said

"You Too." I told Luke and hung up


Okay, so that's this chapter.

Who do you think Kristen should be with? Luke or Nash

Their ship names




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