birthday smut [m]

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Gaaaah it's my birthday!

I decided to post a smut chapter for my bday. (Because this I how I decide to spend my special day...writing gay smut lmao🤤)

Anyways!! Please enjoy:) ((also this chap is dedicated to my best friend Mia because she's my biggest supporter and loves my stories & my smut<3))

—this has nothing to do with the main plot line—

Third person perspective
A knock was heard from the front door.

Jungkook's head shot up from the sound that soon turned into banging.

He ran down the steps, preparing to yell at the person who had disturbed him.

The door swung open and a weight pushed past Jungkook.

"What the fuck?" He mumbled as he turned around.

He was met with Taehyung, who was stood very close to him.

Jungkook's mouth went agape as he looked up into Tae's eyes. They looked back at him full of lust.

Taehyung stepped closer, causing Jungkook to back into the door, closing it.

The latter threw his arms to either side of the younger.

Jungkook gulped. "Hi." He managed to squeak out. Suddenly, the power he held before dissipated.

Taehyung simply smirked, leaning in closer. The elder brushed his lips against Jungkook's, enjoying the tease.

Jungkook crouched under the latter's arms, now standing behind him.

So you wanna play like that? Jungkook thought as he shot the elder a smirk back.

Taehyung turned to the younger, taking fast-paced steps towards him.

Jungkook turned and ran upstairs and into his room. He threw himself onto his fluffy bed, hearing loud steps following his.

Before he knew it, Taehyung was on the bed as well. He hovered over Jungkook, enveloping the younger in his warmth.

They stared in each other's eyes, filled with lust and want.

Jungkook couldn't hold it in anymore and reached up, grabbing the latter's collar. He pulled the elder into a sloppy kiss.

Taehyung bit down on Jungkook's lip, pulling it back, making him let out a soft moan. Taehyung enjoyed that and decided to try and make the other moan more.

His hand reached down to the younger's waistband, teasing him more.

"Mmph Tae." The younger unknowingly, bucked his hips up towards the elder's hands.

"What Kookie?...Do you want something?" Tae smirked as he pulled Jungkook's waistband up.

"I want you Tae." Jungkook reached up to Taehyung again to kiss him.

Tae's hands moved up to Jungkook's shirt, sliding under the thing material. He began to move them up, sliding off Kook's shirt. He threw it off the bed before doing the same with his own.

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