chapter 12 - killer

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Jungkook's perspective
I had just gotten a boyfriend. Someone who was supposed to be my other half and love me and all that other shit, but it's been four days since we last talked.

He asked me out and then ghosted me.

Part of me was angry. Shit, I was practically boiling over in madness.

But another part of me was sad and worried. What if something happened to him? Of course I had tried calling and texting, but no answer, no reply. He didn't even show up to school. I asked the others, and no one had a single clue where he could be.

But this morning, I woke up to the tuning of my phone. The screen displaying his caller ID.

My body froze. As if I hadn't been waiting four days for him to call me.

I wasn't sure if I should be nonchalant when I answered, or excited.

"Hello?" I tried to not sound as if my world had stopped for the past four days.

"Jungkook. Fuck it's so good to hear your voice. I'm so sorry I've been gone, really." He sounded sincere, but I wasn't buying it.

"You missed me? Then why'd you fucking disappear? You left without a word Taehyung. Do you know how scared the others were? How scared I was?"

He was silent a moment. "I just...I had to take care of stuff."

"What 'stuff'?" I was not about to let him give me some poor, open-ended answer.

"Just...something really important."

"Important? So important that you can't tell me? I'm sorry, I don't know if you remember asking me to be your boyfriend four days ago."


"No. Just...fuck...shut up." I was loosing my mind. I wanted to run to him and kiss him, but I also wanted to slap him. "If you want to explain your stuff, then come over and explain."

"Fine. Just...Jungkook, don' away, okay?" His voice changed, it sounded sad; hopeless.


He hung up and I hoped that he was on his way. If he wouldn't come over tonight, then I was surely going to slap him next chance I got.

Luckily, he did come over. He actually arrived soon after our phone call ended. Making me think he was already on his way over while we were talking.

Three knocks echoed through my house. I got up from the couch and opened the door, already knowing who would be there.

I didn't know why, but I hugged him. I thought I was still angry at him, but there I was...hugging him. I mentally scolded myself for giving in too fast.

"Are you going to tell me why you left for four days?" I pulled out from the hug and looked him dead in the eye.

"Can we..go upstairs?" He looked over me, to the stairs.

I replied with a quick 'yeah' and shut the door behind him. I tried to think of what he was going to tell me. Maybe something happened with his family, so I shouldn't be too harsh on him. Or maybe he was sick? Either way, I didn't want to be too mean to him.

We reached my room and sat down across from each other on my bed.

"Jungkook, I love you."

My eyes widened. He..loved me? Was that really how he was going to start off his 'explanation'? Was it even true?


"I do, and I'm telling you this because I made a mistake." He suddenly sounded choked up.

"Just...tell me Tae." My fingers started to fiddle. I was starting to get even more nervous.

"Okay I...when I first noticed you, it was from a distance. I thought that you would be perfect. You could love me no matter who I was. It's fucked up, but that's what I thought. That maybe you would give me chances that others didn't."

"What are you talking about?"

"I hurt people Kook, and part of me wanted to hurt you but I fell in love with you."

"What? You wanted to...hurt me?"

"Yeah. Not severely though. Not as much as..."

"Who?" I really had no idea where this was going.


"You hurt Hoseok? How? Is he sick because of you?"

"He's dead because of me."

The room fell silent. In front of me sat a boy. A boy who had killed someone.

"You...killed him."

He looked down but nodded. He started to tear up.

"I-I don't know why I like to hurt people Jungkook. I-I've n-never actually hurt anyone else besides Hoseok, b-but when I saw you I w-wanted to hurt you, and th-that really fucked me up b-because I also l-love you."

Through Taehyung's sobs, it was starting to click. It was dark, but I understood. He had a desire within him to hurt. Something he couldn't explain. He hurt Hoseok for whatever reason, and when he saw me, he wanted to do the same thing. But he also loved me, which is what stopped him from doing any of that to me.

I breathed quietly while Taehyung sat crying in front of me. I was really at a loss for words.

"How'd you kill Hoseok?"

"I-I gave him some pills...b-blue pills."

"The ones you gave me?"

"Yes, but I gave them t-to you to feel better. I gave them to h-him to kill him."

He cried more.

"I can't explain it Jungkook. I don't want to hurt people but something in my head tells me that I need to. So w-when it told me I needed to hurt you, I didn't know what to do because I just want to love you. I-I don't want to feel like I need to hurt you."

Fuck Taehyung. Stop being like that when you just admitted to killing someone. Stop saying you love me.

Because that only makes me want to love you.
Bum bum buuuum. The truth is out!

This definitely isn't the end, but it probably near the end because ??? I don't have that many more ideas for this.

Hope you enjoyed though! Vote if you want<3

Also check out Pastor Boy!

Love you all<3 thanks for all the reads:)

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