final pt. 2

281 16 9

Thought the story was done? too lmao


Third person perspective
"Do you, Kim Taehyung, plead guilty under the charge of second degree murder."

"N-no sir." Taehyung said, obviously frightened as his back stiffened.

"Our police reports say otherwise Mr. Kim. It is clearly stated that this man, Jeon Jungkook, has made a 911 call accusing you of the murder of two people."

Tears started to leave Taehyung's eyes for the nth time that day. "I-I promise I didn't do anything." His voice was shaky and small.

"Then who is responsible for the murder of Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin?" The judges voice boomed through the courtroom.

Taehyung broke down, sobbing once again. "I-it was J-J-Jungkook." He took in a deep breath trying to regain himself. "I swear it was him. I saw it with my own eyes!"

"This again?" The judge said to himself, rolling his eyes.

"H-he made me play his sick games. He threatened to kill me if I called the cops!"

"You're a pretty good liar there Taehyung. All evidence points to you. Even eye whitnesses who said you lured Mr. Park from a bar 2 months ago."

Taehyung day, wiping his tears. Death was held behind his eyes. Not the death of others, but the death of himself, knowing that he was being wrongly accused.

He looked over to Jungkook who sat in the whiteness chair. They locked eyes and Jungkook smirked. His eyes held evil behind them.

"Fuck." Taehyung said under his breath. He knew he was going to lose, there was no way around it. But he wasn't just going to plead guilty, because he knows the truth.

He knows it was Jungkook.

"Alright Mr. Kim, I'm going to ask you one more time, and keep in mind that saying yes would make this whole thing go a lot, do you plead guilty to second degree murder of Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin?"

"No sir."

The judge let out a sigh as he rubbed his temple. "Okay, Mr. Kim....we are going to take a quick recess and when we get back, the jury will make a final decision." He eyed the jury.

Taehyung's lawyer said a few words to him before getting up and leaving the room, Taehyung following close behind her.

After a few minutes of talking over the case with his lawyer, Taehyung decided to go to the bathroom.

The door opened while he was washing his hands. He didn't look up, but heard a familiar voice.


He looked up to be met with Jungkook's eyes, burning a whole through his own head.

"Get the fuck away from me." Taehyung turned around and made his way to the door, but Jungkook shot his hand out, blocking Taehyung's exit.

"Just let me explain everything." Jungkook said quietly.

"Listen, I fell into your trap, that was my fault. I was the whole who fell in love with you, and that's on me, but for you to tell this made up story, is really fucked up. You calling it 'Blue Pills' as if we're some nonfiction book? Fucked up. You are fucked in the head." He started to cry.

Jungkook frowned. "Make up what Taehyung? You keep saying I'm lying but you're the one with blood on your hands. You killed two people, Taehyung. Do you not feel anything? No remorse? And then lying to the court saying I was the one who killed Jimin. That's fucked up Tae."

Taehyung gritted his teeth. "Are you really okay with me going to jail because of two murders you committed?"

"Jesus Tae. Stop saying I killed someone. I didn't kill anyone! From the moment you told me you killed Hoseok, I called the police. And the moment I said that I couldn't love you, you twisted it into some lie. Telling the court that I loved you so much I killed someone for you." Jungkook's eyes started to well up, before releasing more tears.

"You don't feel any...guilt?" Taehyung started to tear up again.

"STOP!" Jungkook fell to the ground. "Stop saying that. Of course I fucking feel guilty! I fell in love with a murderer."

Taehyung crouched down and wrapped his arms around the sobbing mess that was Jungkook.

Kook was going to shove the boy off him, but something about the familiar warmth made him happy. He frowned when he thought that. How could he find familiarity with the boy who was a murderer.

With that, Jungkook pushed the other away, causing Taehyung to stumble back a bit.

"Fuck you." Taehyung pushed Jungkook aside and stood up before rushing out the door.

Recess was almost over.
Once everyone settled down in the courtroom, the judge immediately started. "Alright everyone, we have a decision from the jury. Mr. Woo, if you could please come up to address the court."

A man who must've been Mr. Woo, made his way from the jury's seats to the open space in front of the judges podium.

He cleared his throat before addressing the room. "Hello everyone, I am Mr. Woo, and I will speak on behalf of the jury today. As we have looked over the evidence against Mr. Kim, we have come to a conclusion." Mr. Woo looked up from a small piece of paper he held in his hands. "We find the defendants party guilty on all charges."

Taehyung, at that moment, broke.

He shot up from his seat, tears filling his eyes, and started screaming at Jungkook. The latter simply sat still in his chair, watching Taehyung.

Two police officers came up behind Taehyung and grabbed his arms, putting them behind his back before locking on handcuffs.

Jungkook watched his ex-boyfriend as he got dragged from the courtroom in handcuffs.

"You did the right thing Jungkook." His lawyer rested a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook looked to his lap, letting out more tears.

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