chapter 2-the internet

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When I told him I beat up a boy he was shocked "OK so you beat up Scott the big dude that throws eggs at my house every Halloween ?!"he said surprised yet shocked ".......ummm yeah pretty much "I said.

"Great I have been waiting for some one to teach him a lesson " he said.

I proudly giggled "OK I guess I'm pretty good " I said playfully.

"Yeah... well let's go out there and break up that fight if it's still going" dad said we passed by and Tony was modeling in a plad shirt."whoa you go Tony!" i said playfully everyone laughed.

The shirt looked good i was guessing destiny had made it for him. I was surprised at how good they got along and they probably had met 30 minutes ago.

When we walked out the door the fight was still on Scott was going crazy with laughter my dad took out his tazer as a defence and yelled "stop what you two are doing!" as he broke in the circle.

"Dezaray help me separate them" dad said.

I pulled them apart and holdded on to one of the girls because she wanted to keep going and so did the other one.

My dad called his cop friends to take every one to the police office even the crowd every one thought it was a Joke so they all stood there laughing.

But when the cop cars came in they all ran I didn't care who got caught but I wanted Scott to learn his lesson.

So I ran after him with my dad's tazer he lendded me he didn't trust Scott so he lendded me the tazer I ran and ran but never found him.

I stopped in a tree and when I turned around he was there he grabbed me and kissed me I knew it was wrong so I took out the tazer and when I was ready to use it I pushed him away and placed the tazer in his stomach he wiggled and screamed and he drooled and fell to the ground I laughed.

And yelled for my dad to take him away and when he did I was so happy but I didn't know why I was happy did I really enjoy Scott's kiss or was it because he got captured.

I just wish and hope it wasn't the first one but I couldn't he was a jerk I couldn't possibly like him but all I had to do was hope that in the school our dad signs us in I had no classes with Scott.

I ran home and dad was there giving us a tour of the house me Destiny shared rooms I didn't mind but I was worried about the closest we were not going to fit all of our clothes, so I unpacked first so my clothes could fit.

And they destiny would have to have trouble with her clothes wow I'm really mean to Destiny.

I put just all of my nice shirts in the closet and my nice comfortable clothes in a drawer it was good he had two drawers one for me one for destiny.

So far so good except the room had no beds or curtains only the draws.

"Umm dad were are we going to sleep?" i asked "oh I wasn't sure what you wanted so I was going to take you to buy beds and decorations so you can be comfortable"dad said.

"Oh fantastic but only one problem there's no stores here!! "said Destiny.

"Oh destiny there's stores here just a little more far away from here "said dad.

"And by the way your mom told me about that joke she played on you the one about only sports shops yeah it was just a joke !" he said as he laughed.

"WHAT !!!!!!?????? " said Destiny said as her head popped out of the living room we ignored it and laughed.

"Umm Tony do you want me to drive you home because we will be leaving to the stores ?" i asked.

"No i can walk " he said "ok " i answered and with that he left.

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