chapter 11-the drawings and the dreams

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                   Chapter 11

after a while we went home i went straight into the shower i went to my room i changed into my pj's got a chair from the kitchen and placed it next to Destiny's bed i watched it and stared at it

i thought about how she would never sleep on it again how she would never walk into this room again i cried i looked out my window and saw Scott watching me

he pulled out his phone ,my phone started to ring i hang up on it it was just one in the after noon i walked out side and up to him he pulled me into a tight hug i cried into his shirt

"wanna come inside?" he asked i nodded he got my hand and started to walk which forced me to  follow him he opened his rooms door i sat on his bed as he sat on the chair

"i want you to open up to me" he said as he took out his note pad " this is my note pad i draw my favorite moments on it " he handed it to me i looked threw the pages and stopped in the one of me changing and flipped it over so he could see it

"really?" i asked not suprised at all with a straight face Scott nodded and laughed i had already seen them but

they were so good  i liked to see them again and again 

i handed him the note book and he started to draw "so you never opened up to me" he said "ok well now that destiny died i already feel lonely even though its only been a couple of hours and earlier  i looked over to Destiny's stuff  and realized that shes never coming back she is never going to sleep on that bed again shes never going to touch anything that belongs to her again but........i-i liked that if she had to die she did it in my arms " i said shedding a tear

i looked over to Scott he wasn't even paying attention to me "your not even listening!" i said walked over to him he was drawing he put his pencil down "no i was i just like for people to talk to me while I'm drawing i feel like it gives the picture feelings i-i don't know what I'm even saying but i am listening i promise" he said

"ok well I'm going to get my purse from the back" i said he nodded and once i got there Luke was in the water "hey!"he shouted "ahh!" i screamed "you scared me you little butt nugget" i said he just laughed i got my stuff and left once i was walking up Stairs  again in realized that it was my fault if i hadn't  been in this house i could have saved destiny 

i opened up Scott's door "i have to go" i said i didn't even wait for a response  i was almost down the stairs until i felt Scott's had get my arm i turned around and he kissed me

i quickly pulled away and slapped him he looked at me surprised "Scott i already have a lot on my back " i said as i put my purse down in one stair "please i just want to understand all off what's happening right now and your not the first one Luke did this to me too and-" i didn't even  get to finish before Scott interrupted me  "LUKE!!" he screamed he ran to Luke's room I'm guessing he had gotten out of the pool  and shut the door

i ran to it i could here arguing and screaming i tried opening the door but it was locked " this isn't what i wanted!" i shouted and just walked out i entered my house and saw Stacy sitting in the couch with a brused face

"what's she doing here !" i asked "umm Stacy is going to live with us " said Dash with a huge smile on his face "where is she going to sleep? i hope in Dash's bedroom" i asked

"in Destiny's bed actually  shes dead so know one will remember her so" Stacy said with a smile 

i was going to run to her but dad was holding me back "dad let me go !" i shouted he put me down "their is no way shes sleeping in Destiny's bed ,Destiny was the last one to sleep there and i want it to stay like that I'm leaving her things like she would want them and how she did" i said i walked out side and drove to home depot i bought a door nob that could only be opened with  a key so Stacy couldn't get it i left and got to my house i walked into my room locked the door and texted Dallas

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