Chapter 23-the missing taco

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                     Chapter 23

            Dallas's point of view

I saw Scott carrying her to his car the i realized what i had done i slapped her and maybe even bruised her.

"Why would you treat her like that!?"shouted the person i still couldn't see him very well.

"Who are you!?...why do you care!?" I shouted as i pushed him " 'cuz shes a girl and your not supposed to hit her!" he shouted.

I couldn't control my self so i did what i felt like doing. And that was punching him.

So i did.

He fell to the ground i ran to my car as he ran inside.

As i was driving i called my gang Jake answered "hello?" He said "jake, hey its Dallas and i need you to follow Scott's car" i said.

I had showed  Jake who he saw since i hated Scott so much "why?" He said " 'cuz i did something to my girl and i need to explain to her what shes into because of me, dash, and cole" i said.

"Ok where on it" he said i hung up.

Dezaray doesn't knew this but once i found out about dash and his car races i joined in i thought it might be fun...and i was.

That's how i met my gang they race too we are in a team its me my gang and dash but dash didn't want to join the gang just the team.

And one day i had just finished a race i had won against one of the racers on Cole's team.

i was leaning on my car looking at a picture of Dezaray "oh who's that?"  Voice asked i turned around to see Cole "shes my girl" i said with a smile.

He smirked "for now" he said and left i ignored him comment and carried on.

And the day that Cole met Dezaray it scared me i might lose her to him.

Cole promised his dad to get her on their team.

She was a really good driver. Once dash found out he switched teams to Cole's and they were moving in with them now the whole team lives together in a huge mansion.  

If she stepped on foot in there it meant she was part of the team whether she liked it or not they were tricking her and i didn't like that.

That's why i didn't want her to leave.

I stopped the car to see what Jake had done. I saw Dezaray lying on the cars engine with out moving. I crused .

I marched over to Jake "I SAID STOP THEM NOT KILL THEM!!" i shouted.

"That wasn't us!" He shouted "what?"  Asked. i turned around And saw a random car behind Scott's.

I walked over to it and saw a drunk guy passed out and a girl next to him maybe his wife he looked so familiar though. "Shit!!" I shouted as i remembered the cops should be here soon.

  "you guys go ill call a ambulance"  said they all nodded and left.

      Dezaray's point of view 

i woke up in a white bright room i groaned as the light him my face i placed my hand over my eyes to block the light.

"She's awake!" said a voice i quickly turned to the voice and saw Luke and Scott next to my bed.

Luke looked like a lost puppy and Scott just looked relieved "what happened?" I asked the boys looked at each other "dez you...i mean we got in a crash" Luke said.

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