Chapter 15- The new house is a playground?

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                   Chapter 15

i woke up with a huge headache and i was lying on the floor. i sat up and rubbed my head i noticed i was at Scott's place i looked behind me i saw Luke lying on the couch with Scott oh how nice they probably threw me off of it so they could sleep there.

   i walked to my house took a shower and did my daily routine except this time i didn't do my makeup i stead i put cream in my bruises i was glad they were half gone i decided to got to school on Monday even though i still could stay home for weeks because of destiny's death.

i went back to Scott's i needed to prank them. i got a bucket of water and filled it with ice i got the idea from the ALS ice bucket challenge.

i woke up Dash who was sleeping outside in a chair next to the pool he must have fallen asleep.

i shook Dash a bit until he woke "come on I'm going to prank the boys" i said he surprisingly nodded we got ready i started to record  and watched Dash throw the water at the boys.

they quickly jumped up Luke gasped Scott just fell asleep again me and Dash quickly ran out as Luke chased us i was still recording. i turned the camera so it could face me

"ok so that was Scott's and Luke's secret ice bucket challenge!" i shouted while running 


sorry its a VERY VERY SHORT chapter i had writers block and i was working on a new story i am posting soon and i just started school again so i need time to get used to it SORRY I'M SO SORRY !!!!!!PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! WILL YOU!!?? and thanks for more views or readers i believe last time i checked i had 16 or 18 and now i have 86 thanks i LOVE YOU !! bye


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