chapter 8-purple elaphants

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Chapter 8

i quickly got up as i pannicked Dallas was now fighting the person i screamed as the figure punched Dallas and blood was spit into my feet i reacted and ran inside "DAD DAD DAD !!!!!! HELP ME QUICK !!" i shouted and ran back outside and Dallas was on his feet looking down at the dark figure

Dallas quickly ran to me and pushed me down and pulled my hair as he slapped me i screamed in pain when he stopped he started cussing at me i saw the figure get up but i didn't say anything i closed shut my eyes and let tears run down my eyes i saw the door open and Dash ran outside Dallas quickly picked me up by pulling my hair i lightly screamed at the pain of him pulling on my roots

" DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HITTING A WOMAN IS AGAINST THE LAW !!!" Dash screamed i reached out my hand as if i wanted to garb something Dallas quickly pushed my hand down in my mind i gave a little chuckle of what Dash had said Dallas didn't respond to Dash and i was slowly moving my hand up with out him noticing once i moved it far enough i closed my hand into a fist and quickly pushed it up with all my force he fell in pain as he groaned where i had just hit him in his middle part

i quickly ran do Dash and hugged him i had stopped crying by then but i felt like it i just didn't want to cry in front of them again we rushed inside and locked the door i looked out the window and the dark figure was dragging Dallas to his car

but at this point i could care less about him i suddenly had a pain in my head oh yeah the medicine i had in the little bag the had gave me gave me i had not taken it i started to walk to the bathroom but i had to go through the kitchen to get to the bathroom first "Dezaray What happened ?" dad said as he saw the red mark in my face where Dallas slapped me

"umm yeah this happened because only Dash would come to my rescue" i said " oh it was a real emergency ?!" dad said " umm yeah you know for a cop you don't take things to seriously" i said " well i thought it was a boyfriend girlfriend problem " he said as he put quotation marks on the word problems as she spoke

"what ever I'm going to shower and you know i think he should go to juvi for a few months for this "i said as i left i walked into my room and went to my dresser and got some pijama shorts and a random over seized tee-shirt and got my under garments and i got in the shower

after a while i got out and wrapped the towel around me like a dress and went into my room to change as i opened the door and was about to take off my towel "umm i don't think that's appropriate dez"i heard a voice say

"ahhhhhh!!!" i screamed as i fell and hit my head "holy nasty peaunut butter you scared the purple elephants out of me" i said as i got up and rubbed my head "hahaha purple elephants really your so childish " dash said "yeah what ever get out i need to change " i said as i pointed to the door " yeah ok oh and everyone left to a restaurant and i didn't want to leave you hear lone so i stayed "Dash said

"wait what!! they left us here why? that's so rude" i said "yeah i know those bit-" i didn't even Dash finish "really a mean girls quote and you know i don't like bad words" i said "w-wait did Destiny go?" i said my voice got worried "umm yeah she went too " he said "w-what she left me b-but s-shes l-like m-my best friend " i said " yeah she was mad at you i don't know why " Dash said scratching the back of his neck " you know what we are going out to go get your little ugly behind ready " i said as i closed the door

i opened my closet and got a pair of black jeggings , gray convers and a white long sleeved jacket and some flower earings i blow dryes my hair and let its natural straight form go lose and grabbed my purse and as i looked into the mirror i was little cuts on my face and a long red mark across my face

i didn't want people see me like this i didn't have makeup because i didn't were any so i looked around for Destiny's makeup i looked into the drawrs and found foundation and a foundation brush i did know how to use makeup and i used it before but i stopped using it because it made me break out i applyed the foundation and made sure it was all blended in good thing me and destiny were the same shade

i walked out and Dash had on a red flannel with black jeans and black convers on and was in his phone by the time we were ready it was 11:00 in the morning and we didn't sleep weird..."ready to go ?" i asked him "yeah where are we going anyways?" he asked me without even looking up from his phone " umm burger king duhh" i said and he started walking and still didn't look up from his phone i gave a little chukle and walked out to the car

my car oh how i missed it my car i unlocked it and got in with Dash " hey who are you texting?" i asked as i looked over to his phone " oh just Scott" he said as he shrugged "oh cool...wait what ! how did you even get his number ?" i said as i laughed in the last part "he came and visited at me when i was hit in my head with a bottle from dall-" i didn't even get to finish before i interrupted him

" umm cool ok yeah that's not weird all " i said sarcastically i turned on the engine and drove to burger king i looked over to Dash and hes still texting Scott i had a plan i took out my phone and hit recird and pointed the camera at Dash i honked on the horn and Dash jumped up and his phone went flying and hit the car roof and he screamed when he jumped he hit his head i stared to laugh and ended the video

"what ...did dont know "Dash said i could tell he was confused i handed him my phone and played the video for him he laughed so hard that's what i lived about him most people don't laugh at them self's like he did and other people would be like " delete it "

"haha all right lest go " i said as he got out i locked the car and i heard voices behind me "hey is that Dash ?" i heard the voices say i quickly turned around and saw a group of boys coming towards us "umm Dash?" i said he didn't respond "dash?" i said again a little more worried "DASH!!" i shouted really scared

"WHAT !!" he said as he looked up and i could see shock in his face "QUICK GET IN THE CAR I'LL DRIVE !!" he screamed i ran to the passengers side and got in and Dash did too he turned on the engine and took off really fast i looked back and saw tons of cars behind us "Dash what's going on!!" i screamed "just shut up and buckle up !" he said focusing in the road and i did


hey guys what do you thing is going on in the story why is destiny mad at her


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