chapter 10-the best prank and the worst day

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                    CHAPTER 10

"what are you talking about?" he asked confused "you'll see" i said in a evil voice as we got to the counter to order "umm can i pleas have 20 large cups of vanilla ....oh and to go  please" i said i wasn't looking at the worker i was looking at my phone i was texting

* text

me: hey were at the park come!

Scott: ok

*end of text message

i looked up and saw Mark the guy from starbucks "Mark?" i said surprisingly "Dezaray ha small world" he said "yeah so two fast food jobs huh" i said "yeah oh and don't worry the fro-yo is on the house" he said "um thanks but its almost over 50$ "i said he shrugged i looked over to Luke with a surprised look on his face "what?" i said laughing "all right here you go " said mark handing me the bags full of fro-yo i thanked him and left "i still don't know why you ordered all that?" Luke said

"oh well we are going to stuff Scott's pillow with it"i said Luke just  laughed when we final got to his house

"wait how do you know that hes not in his room?" Luke asked me "no worries i texted him were at the park" i said

"ok now your good!" he said with a bid smile we walked to his room i opened the door and it had wood floors,his bead and a night stand,and a drawrs  that was all

i really expected more like posters,clothes,shoes all over the place but it was actually really really clean

i turned to his bed i took the sheets off his bed that were surprisingly actually made i almost never make my bed i got his pillow and threw the pillow  under the bed and just got his pillow case

me and Luke started to put the fro-yo in it once we were done i dipped my finger into a cup

"hey Luke!" i said as he turned around i put the fro-yo from my finger into the tip of his nose he gasped and i laughed he chased me around the room until i gave up he tackled me to the ground and tickled me i laughed and laughed

"s-stop p-please !!" i shouted he stopped i got up as he was getting up i pushed him down "oww!! oh this is comfy!" he said i laughed and noticed a note pad in his bed that said "drawings" across it i got up and started to look through the pages

until one caught my eye it was me i flipped another page and it was me in the hospital bed laughing at something with him i flipped another one and it was me yesterday when he caught me changing

i flipped another one and it was me with my ice cream shirt i looked frustrated  the same day he caught me changing i flipped another one and it was me with  the clothes i had on today and it was me talking to his mom with a smile on my face

  i flipped one more and it was me again with the same clothes but this time i had my hand in my face as he laughed and so did his mom i gave a little smile the drawing looked so realistic but then i thought when did he draw these maybe when we were at the for-yo store  

i looked up and saw a night light next to Scott's bed but it wasn't a regular old night light it was a train night light but all my thoughts were interrupted when i heard the door open "Luke quick in the closet!" i said we ran in and left a little crack so we could see

soon Scott can in looking mad he walked over to his drawrs took out a pair of bascket ball shorts he started to unbuckle his pants i quickly looked away big mistake once i did i came to close to Luke's lips with out even thinking his lips crashed into mine once i realized what was happening i pulled away

i could see a confused look on his face " no Luke i just came out of a relation ship and this doesn't feel right "i said whispering he nodded "I'm sorry" he said i turned back around and saw Scott starting to draw on his note pad oh boy this is going to take a while

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