Chapter 27- Calls

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if you didn't know i post on the weekends by the way my character named Conner is in real life is actually named Conner you can find him on youtube just type in Conner franta which is his name... and the other dude yeah i don't know his name
Chapter 27

"W-what ?" i Said i didn't know what the hell he was talking about "its a twitter thing and its annoying" he said as he sat down.

"Wow thats a big problem" i said sarcasticly he chuckled so i just got up and started to walk away.

As i was walking i felt someone grab my arm and turned me around, i saw Cole i open my eyes wide and fear raised in me.

He looked at me then at my arm and let go he looked down "sorry" he whispered i just nodded awkwardly and started to walk away.

I went to the backward and sat down in a chair next to some shade, i watched the guys play football um not a big fan of football but i do like to see them get tackeld hahah I'm so mean.

I felt some sit down next to me and sigh i turned around and saw Luke i instantly got up started to walk away.

I could feel him following me, so i walked into my room and got my phone which i haven't used in like 600 months.

And i also grabbed a random pair of car keys, and walked out the door i turned on the car alarm to find which car the keys belonged to and found a simple black car.

I rushed to it as i saw Luke running to me i got in the car and drove off.

I watched him scream in frustration and run his hand though his hair...wait what if when i get back he hits me?

No he wouldn't do that right? Ugh i shouldn't have done that but he was following me and i thought he was going to yell at me or something.

My phone started to ring but it was a unknown number i put it on speaker as i drove...i want star bucks...yeah i do.

"Hello?" I said loud enough so the phone could pick it up

"Hello Dezaray!!" Yelled a voice i could tell it was a girl and she sounded desperate,tired and a little beat up.

"Umm yeah its me who is this?" I said as i went through the drive through, there was a line.Great, note the sarcasm.

"Why haven't you answered i call you every day like 6,000 times a day!?" Yelled the voice the drama in her voice sounded so familiar.

"Oh umm ok but who are you?" I asked she didn't answer she just hung up , well that was weird.

When it was my turn in line i was checking my phone to see 56 messages and 70,568 calls wow i guess she wasn't lying when she said she called me every day.

I was ripped out of my thought when i heard a voice "hi welcome to star bucks what will- Dezaray!?" Said the voice i looked up to see Mark.

"Oh My gosh Mark i haven't seen you in a long time!" I said he nodded and smiled but his simile quickly disappeared "what happened to your face?" He asked...shit.

"Umm i got in a fight you know um yeah like them people be talking ya know" i said lying.

He laughed "so what do you want to order?" He asked

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