All Over Again.

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Last chapter! ♡

I felt hands viloently shaking me awake.

"Ow the the fu-" i cut my self off before i could finish i opend my eyes to see Destiny watching me.

"We are here!" She shouted "to where?" I asked i looked at my surroundings i was in a ...plane?

I jumped up "where the fuck are we!?" I asked bit scared "um we are going to moms boyfriends house" said Destiny "huh?" I asked.

What the acctual fuck?

"Um okay wheres Dallas?" I asked "who?" She asked "wait what?" I asked "huh?" She asked.

We pased about 10 minutes of us saying 'huh?'  'what?'  'shut up!' And 'what in the pink elephants are you talking about?'.

Untill i finally recognised that its was all a dream.





Every single detail.

Every moment i spent crying, laughing, shouting and smiling was all fake.





Part of me was happy that i have another chanse to fix my mistakes, make my future brighter and make better desisions.

But part of me was sad Everything i experiensed wasnt real all the feelings, laughs, pain, and trouble.

As i walked into my new room that i knew every inch of i went out side and saw dallas sitting next to a tree on his phone.

The same tree we played on the night i met him.

Once his eyes landed on me i prayed he would remember me.

I waved at him and he waved back and looked back down at his phone.

Well i guess he dosent remember me...

I coudnt help my self... that i launched my self at him and kissed him.

Until he pushed me away "what the hell!" He yelled at me "i have a girlfriend!" He said.

That hurt alot but i kept it cool "oh sorry i thought you were someone else..." i lied "its all good just...dont let it happen again" he said.

Well i guess i have to win him back...the right way this time.

I turned around as i saw a yellow bus coming our way and people came out chanting scotts name.

Well i guess i have to get ready to figh this time but not phisically well...maybe just a bit.


Omg!!!  Finished the book!!! Aaaaaaaa ugh ik its a bad ending but i hadnt updated in a loooooong time so i wanted a small and fast ending for you guys!!!.

And thx to the ppl who read my book since i only had about 20 reads i still have a small amount but i like it.

Im sorry if you didnt like the ending!!!!

But hey! It ended all of Dezarays pain and anger her fustration and sufferment.

All gone.

But im happy!!! B'cus i love you guys!!!

Thx again and bye see ya later.

Bye bye.

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