Chapter 21-The apartment

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I found a good angle and made sure i showed my new piercing.

Dallas smiled and showed his teeth which made his lip piercing show once we were ready i snapped the picture.

I lowered my hand and checked to see if the picture can out good, "how is it?" He asked "its perfect" i  answered as i tagged him in the picture and posted it

After a few hours we left home to sleep we did have school tomorrow.

"So are you going to school?" I asked as i held his hand as we walked back i heard him sigh.

I looked up at him worried "what's wrong?" I asked he shook his head "nothing" he simply answered with a  blank expression.

"No it isn't your hiding something" i said as i stopped walking he ignored me and just walked away from me.

I walked home by my self the rest of the time.

Once i was inside i saw boxes and boxes the house looked empty.

"DASH! DASH!?" i shouted ok now i was scared why would there be boxes in our house we weren't moving.... right.

I walked into the kitchen to boxes blocking the way they were piled up all the way up.

"Dez is that you?" Dash screamed though the other side of the boxes "yes!" I answers back.

"Oh ok .....just stand back!" He shouted "ummm......why!?" I yelled back "....just!" He said i was obviously not getting nothing out of his so i did as i was told.

"Ok!" I shouted he answered back with complete silence until he jumped through the boxes i screamed and jumped back i was not expecting all.

But i laughed at how incredibly in mature it all was.

"So what's with all the boxes?" I asked "oh its nothing just that you and me got our own.......apartment!" He shouted with a huge smile.

"Ekkkkkkk!" I said as i jumped into his arms but then it hit me "you saw the post right?" I Said "yup" he answered "you saw the piercing right?" I asked "yup" he answered "are you mad?" I asked "yup" he answered "your just hugging me to spank me right?" I asked "yup" he said.

I groaned.

"Why?....why did i have to be cursed with such a over protective brother?" I complained he laughed and let me go off of the hug.

"I'm letting it go this time just 'cuz it looks good on you" he said "thanks"  said.

When i hugged him i felt a little tension like hes been stressed or nervous about something.

"Dash are you ok? just seem a little off" i asked "umm yeah totally why wouldn't i be?" He said.

I nodded "I'm going to go pack" i said, some people might think that I'm taking moving really easily but i want to move out of this house that has caused me tears,regret,sorrow,sadness and almost never happiness.

Its like if i move away from this house i feel like I'm moving on in life. I mostly want to move and to get away from the memorie of destiny.

I mean I'm still going to make my dad keep the room like she left it i mean my side will be gone but hers wont be.

when i walked in my room my bed was gone why? are we going to sleep there tonight.

I got a box and packed some clothes and shoes i got my phone and left the room.

"Hey i noticed my bed was gone did you take it already?" I Asked 

"Oh yeah i did" he said i nodded he looked at my box and shook his head "take ALL of your clothes so we wont have to make so many trips back here and waist gas" he said as i it was obvious.

I stuck out my tongue and made a teasing noise he just smiled and rolled his eyes.

I went back in and put all of my clothes in boxes i got out of the room with one box in my hands.

"Im going to put the boxes in my car" i told dash as i walked out he just nodded.

As i opened the door i felt the cool breeze hut my face it was getting dark out.

I opened my car and placed the box in the back seat as i got up and looked at the sky and sighed "i miss you dest" i whispered to my self.

I started at the sky for a few more seconds, "BOO!!" i heard someone scream i jumped and made a little scream i swear i literally felt my heat jump out of my chest.

i turned around to see Cole......great....note the sarcasm.

"holy magnets of the east you scared me to death!" I said he laughed "sorry i just came to help my new room mates to pack" he said with a smirk.



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