chapter 18-are we a couple?

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                    Chapter 18

"hi Cole i didn't know you went to this school" i said  "yeah i just got moved to this school my brother is next" he said with a smile.

i nodded "well ill see ya later" i said as i turned on my heel and walked away with Dallas i noticed he was looking at me but i ignored it.

i stopped at my locker and Dallas was still staring at me i ignored it again i was about to grab my text book when Dallas grabbed my arm.

"what are these you have more now" he said staring at my cuts i pulled my arm away from him.

"i just had a accident" i lied and got my stuff "dez something is going on and you need to tell me" he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"i just had a accident ok!" i screamed at him he looked directly at me and cupped my face and brought me close to him.

"what ever it is I'm going to help you through it" he whispered i looked down and nodded he pulled me into a hug.

when we pulled away we walked to class he sat next to me we did our work.

at the end of school me and dash stayed in the parking lot leaning on my car just talking until i heard someone cough.

i looked and it was Scott he was going to say something i quickly ran to the drivers seat Dallas got the idea and got in i drove off .

i parked outside my house i sighed and placed my hands on my face i felt Dallas pat my back i looked up smiles.

"you know your probably the only person i have hurt but still came back to make me happy you know mist people get mad at me and never talk to me again" i said as i looked down.

i felt his hand touch mine i looked our hands and then at him "always" he said with a smile i smiled at him he soon started to lean close to me i felt his lips crash into mine.

i heard someone knock on the window i got scared and pulled away from Dallas i looked at the window and there saw Scott i sighed.

i opened the door and got out and so did Dallas i locked my car and walked to my house with out saying goodbye.

i dropped my stuff on my bed i bearly turned on my phone i heard someone ring the door bell i sighed and got up to answer it.

as soon as i opened it i saw Scott i immediately closed it the door impacted with something preventing it from closing i looked down and saw Scott's shoe.

"Scott move your fucking shoe" i said wow Dezaray your mad today "come on i really need to talk to you" he said i sighed and opened the door.

"what?" i said as i crossed my arms over my chest "i just kicked your boy friends ass" he said with a smrik on his face.

"ha i don't have a boyfriend" i said "oh ok then i just beat up Dallas" he said "what!!" i said as i pushed him out of my way i saw dallas on his knees holding his nose.

i ran to him i removed hus hands off of his nose his hands where full of blood. i gasped and covered my mouth with my hands i felt tears rush down my cheeks.

i looked at Scott "why would you do this?" i asked he laughed "you hurt me now I'm going to hurt you" he said with a smile.

"your such a jerk" i said "i actually though you had change" i said as i looked away from him and looked at Dallas.

"come on lets take you home" i told Dallas i helped him up and walked to his house i had never went to his house or seen it.

we soon stopped at a house that looked like mine just a bit older "a-are your parents home?" i asked he shook his head saying no.

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