Chapter 25-Fist Lock

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hi readers so i added a pic of Dezaray and Destiny if you know there real names plz comment so i can add more pics of them plz btw i will be adding of the rest of the cast


Chapter 25

I rested my head next to his shoulder with some tears from my eyes it was complete silence but it wasn't awkward "im sorry i brought you into this" i said in almost a whisper.

He just stroked my hair and placed his chin on my head and just sighed "you know i lost a lot just to be hear with you" he said in a sad tone, i quickly stood up and looked at him "what Are you talking about?" i asked he could have given up something for me and if he did i hope it was things that weren't important.

"Well.....i kinda' hid this from all of you i just didn't want to give anyone false hopes and i wanted it ti be a surprise if it did happen" he said looking down i could see sadness and worry in his eyes.

"What did you do" i whispered to him kneeling down next to him and pushing some of his hair in the back of his ear .

I started to worry he didn't answer it was like he was thinking if he should tell me "well if i tell you have to promise me not to get mad" he said as he looked at me hoping i would say yes.

But i just sighed sat down completely "ok i promise" i said as looked up at him " know how i was on the football team?" He asked as he played with his hands nervously.

"Yeah?" I said quickly desperate for him to continue "well some college was going to go see me play at one of my games to see if i was good enough for their school" he said nervously.

"OMG!! Scott that's great!" I Said excitedly with a huge smile he quickly shook his head which made my smile disappear.

"You don't under stand" he said as he grabbed my hand "Dez the minute we stepped inside this house we were officially high school dropouts" he said.

"What!!" I Shouted Scott was about to say something before a cara horn interrupted him.

"Im home!!" The voice outside yelled i instantly knew who it was. Dash.

"I'm going to make him eat his own freaking shit!!" Shouted as i ran outside.

"Aaaa Dez just the girl i was looking for" Dash said as he separated his arms welcoming a hug from me but little did he know he was getting something worse than a hug.

"YOU ASS WIPE!!" I shouted as i pushed him to the ground he looked at me confused "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!!" he yelled at me as he got up.

"you, your my problem. Dash i trusted you!" I shouted as i pointed at him. "I " i said as i pointed at my self "don't want to be a drop out I'm going back to school!" i Shouted.

He laughed "sure like if the school needs you. Dez your a horrible student!" He shouted " oh you dumb ass" i shouted as i tackeld him to the ground and punched him as he pulled my hair it was the only thing he could do he cant hit me im a girl wahahaha.

"Enough!" I heard a voice say i felt arms pull me away from Dash.

I turned around to see Luke, Scott and a crowd of people staring at us, i instantly grew red we probably looked like 2 year olds fighting over a toy.

It was Cole and another girl standing next to him i guess he was to one who shouted.

"Physical fighting is not allowed in hear" Cole stated his facial expression didn't change "and since when do you follow the rules!?" Bit back at him.

He laughed "i don't only in my house we all do" he said i shrugged "whatever" turned around and was about to walk away but something stopped me.

"You are to do the walk of shame and fist lock right now this instant!" He shouted at me "what the fuck is that!?" I shouted turning back around to face him.

"they are punishments the walk of shame is where you strip down on to your under clothes and run a lap around the as the whole team watches then you throw your self into the pool and on fist lock you fight who ever i chose for you to do" he said with a evil smile.

"Bull shit I'm not doing non of that and i am most certainly not going to strip down just for your enjoyment" said crossing my arms .

He laughed "if you don't i will have you tortured like last time" he said i sighed "fine ill do fist lock first" i said starting to take off my jacket underneath i just had a sports bra.

But whatever they were about to see me almost naked so i don't even care.

He looked around "i chose....her" he said pointed at the girl next to him.

"No!!! She looks nice!!" I Shouted everyone bursted out laughing "she is not even close to nice" Cole said "yeah and why did you take off your jacket did you buy it at the flee market?" She said in a fake kind of i feel sorry for you kind of way.

That's it i planted a puch straight in her jaw making her to fall to the ground as she instantly blacked out .

"Piece of shit" i told her as i got my jacket and placed it back on everyone had their jaws dropped know one said anything when i walked back inside.

I walked into my room and locked my self in i wasn't going to come out all day.

I took of my whole outfit and pit on a plain pink shirt with black sweat pants and some thigh high black socks and made my hair into a messy bun.

I looked absolutely ridiculous, but i just knocked out a girl looks right now are the least of my problems.

I threw my self to my bed and quickly fell asleep.


Im so sorry i haven't posted i got grounded :'(......but im not anymore so :)


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