chapter 6-getting them back

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Dallas point of view

i looked straight into her eyes and she quickly looked away with that i knew she was lying suddenly the door burst open and destiny ran in and hugged dezaray

Scott's point of view

i was destiny hug dezaray and i just leaned in the wall and smiled the girls stared talking and Dallas was on his phone a few minutes passed "where's Scott ?" said dezaray i smiled even more and walked to her and hugged her "I'm going to call dad he left he had to go to work " said destiny as she walked out

"Dallas !" said dezaray as she signaled him to come to her "umm yeah ?" asked Dallas not even bothering to look at me "well um remember what we talked about when we were alone ?" dezaray asked "oh yeah dezaray i don't want to talk about that !" Dallas screamed at Dezaray " hey dude calm down ok !" i yelled at him "GOD I'M SO TIRED OF YOU I CANT STAND YOU !!!!" Dallas screamed at me as he put his hands in his head

"ok calm down you don't have to stand theirs a chair right there !!!" i fired back i turned to look at dezaray and i could see worry in her eyes i was about to walk over to her as i felt Dallas punch me i fell to the ground and Dallas climbed on top of me i wasn't going to let him hit me so i punched him back when i had a chance

" NOO STOP!!!!"i heard Dezaray's voice some how her voice made me more mad and i kept punching and punching Dallas until i was on top oh him i heard the doors burst open and i figured dezaray must have called a button for the nurses to come they finally separated us and took us out they took us to a bathroom to wash out the blood i noticed i hurt Dallas a little to much he had a bloody nose and a bunch of cuts a bruises i think he noticed i was staring at him so he turned around and stuck me the dirty finger i laughed at how immature he was

once he was done it was my turn to was my face i looked in the mirror and saw i had a black eye and a lot of cuts with a bloody nose and a busted lip and just washed my face the doctor took us to a room to see if we had done any damage

luckily there was no damage we sat outside because we weren't allowed in side together anymore the hallway was quiet and lonely soon enough destiny came with a groceries bag she stopped and looked at us "I'm not even going to ask" she said and making her head turn side to side as if to be saying no i laughed and so did Dallas

" well what's in the bag ?" i asked with curiosity " oh umm chips ,juice, phone charger, pillow blanket and......ummm phone" she said " why would you bring all that" dallas asked "well i am goin to stay here for three weeks" she said as if it to be obvious and walked in the room with dezaray

Dezaray's point of view

i was in my phone trying to text Monique and Ashely in our group chat

* group chat

me: hi guys i miss you

me : look i know your mad at me but i have so much to tell you i mean my mom passed away and i need someone to talk to just pleas

me: ok i see you need time and i understand but just pleas know that i still love you guys i wouldn't replace you guys ever and well i didnt get to make friends i had to leave early i had to make a stop at the hospital

ashely: why omg are you ok

me : yes thanks ash i thought you would never talk to me again

monique : don't be silly we love you now why are you on the hospital

i told them the story and said good bye to them soon i saw to door open and saw destiny " hey guess what ?" destiny said "what!?" i said laughing "dad got our cars back !" she said with a big smile " yes omg !" i said laughing

*knock knock

"come in " i said soon enough Dallas walked in "ill leave you two alone" said destiny as she left " dezaray I'm so sorry if we scared you " Dallas said and i could see sorry in his eyes but i didn't respond he looked so bad she had cuts and bruises " Dallas was it that bad " i said as i looking at his face

" umm yeah " he said as he scratched the back of his neck "Dallas i don't know if i can keep seeing you get hurt from Scott i mean this is the second time hes hit you and most of the time you start every thing " i said "I KNOW I JUST CANT I JUST ..JUST HATE HIM SO MUCH I!! " Dallas screamed

" DALLAS CALM DOWN I ..." i didn't even ger to finish before he starded to knock things down " DALLAS STOP JUST STOP WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!" i said "DALLAS !" i said "WHAT !!!" he shouted at me and he walked over to me and sat next to me

"what " he said in a normal voice i leaned close to him and kissed him " just stop " i said he nodded and let out a sigh he leaned closer to me and kissed me again destiny came in "aahhhh no my eyes !!" she screamed and fell on her knees an pretended to be blind we laughed and stopped she came in and so did Scott but this time they sat far away from each other

" oh i need to go its getting late "scott said as he walked over to me was about to kiss my for head but i pushed him away and he stared at me with a confused face " no Dallas doesn't like it" i said in a low voice so only Scott could here he nodded and stuck out his hand so i could shake it and i did with that he left

destiny fell asleep and soon dallas sat down in a corner and on the floor and watched me go to sleep "dezaray?" Dallas asked "what?" i asked as i sat up " i liked the fact that you didn't let Scott kiss your for head" he said smiling " well i knew you wouldn't like it and i wouldn't either so you know " i said as i sat back down and went to sleep

Dallas point of view

once i saw dezaray go to sleep i went over to where her phone was and went to her messages i just couldn't stop thinking who she was texting that she didn't want me to see i turned on her phone and her wall paper was her mom poor thing she looked a lot like dezaray i scrolled on her phone clicked on messages

i saw a group chat i went on it and read every thing apparently she had lost friends and was trying to get them back i laughed at my self for being so stupid and as i put her phone away i heard it vibrate i clicked on the message again to see who the message was from and his contact name was a heart

<3 : hi! i cant wait to meet you tomorrow I'm so exited it has been so long since i have seen you love you<3

~ dash

and with that i looked at dezaray and realized how cute she was she had no make up on and made her hair in a braid i shed a tear and left i couldn't believe she cheated on me she was just as stupid as every other girl i have ever known i got in my car( aston martin v12 vantage ) and i left as fast as i possiblely could

i stopped by a store a bought a box of beers i had not drinked since i met dezaray i only drinked when i was mad,sad or stressed i didn't drink them on the way home i drinked them when i got home i wasn't going to take a chance of crashing bella that's what i named my car bella

i parked next to dezaray's house and stayed I'm my car for hours and drinked my beer soon i saw a taxi parked in front of their house a boy about my age and he ran out and quickly knocked on the door with I'm guessing his mom behind him "dash wait get you luggage out first !" his mom said "no i will ger that later i need to se dezaray " he said " boy you must miss her " said his mom "yup" he said poping the 'p' with that i marched outside and walked up to dash since i was a little drunk i couldn't walk straight " hey you dash!" i yelled he turned around and as soon as he did i punched him straight in her face he fell and spited out blood i heard his mom scream dash got up and wiped the blood of him mouth "look dude your drunk go home " dash said "no because i saw what you sent dezaray and your not his boyfriend i am not you " i said "haha you think I'm dating dezaray no dude I'm her step brother "he said with a smile on his face

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