chapter 3-the date

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"will you go out with me to lunch tomorrow ?" "yes!" I said very happy "can I have your number to call you to see when I could pick you up " he asked a little shy

" yeah sure" I said as I took his phone and added my number "OK bye " he said and left I walked inside and went to sleep when I woke up I got ready for breakfast and told my dad that I was going to go 'explore ' note the sarcasm for lunch I didn't want to tell him I had a date I didn't know how could he react

, but then all these thoughts came to my mind I don't even know his name how old he is not even how he looks it was almost lunch time and I waited for that text later I received a call and I answered to see of it was the guy

*phone call

me: hello

boy: um is this dezaray

me: yeah are you ready yet

boy: yeah I'm out side

me: OK bye

*I hang up and tell my dad I'm leaving

and there the boy is he looked about my age and he was handsome he had black hair made in to a a little Mohawk haha thats kinda cute.

I walked over to him and said "are you ready?" he just stared at me "what's wrong? " I asked "oh nothing I just didn't expect you to be so beautiful " he said I just laughed and blushed a little he drove of in his car to a lake and had a adorable picnic

and we stayed there all day and watched the sun set and as I turned around to look at the boy I asked "so this is nice and all but.... what's your name? " " my is Dallas " he said and he got closer to me and kissed me as we pulled away I thought I saw a girl taking a video of us kissing I was first worried but then i forgot all about it we went to the lake to swim we played until it was dark

he took me home but I didn't want to leave yet so he parked In my house and we stayed in his car later we got out and talked then a group of people came towards us and I recognized one person from that group Scott

I had all ready talked to Dallas about Scott and he didn't like him " oh my God Dallas look it's Scott let's just go " I said I didn't want any problems with him

"no if he has any problems he can just fix them with us " he said I was a little scared because Scott was a lot bigger than Dallas Scott had a bigger body than Dallas, Dallas was strong but not as strong as Scott

I tried to convince Dallas but he didn't want to leave he was so stubborn then the group of people just stayed on the other side of the street as is to be talking and planning something me and Dallas just keep our conversation going

and Dallas seemed mad or something he kept looking over to the group until I asked him "what was wrong " "oh nothing I'm just scared that they might do something to us let's go to the park " he said "OK yeah... that can be fun " I said

and when we got in the car Dallas kissed me and I guess Scott saw because he marched over to the car and started to bang on the windows and telling us stuff he tried to get in but the doors were locked thank God

" Scott just go away we are about to leave" I said "no " Scott said " why not !? " I asked i was starting to lose my patience . " because I-i cant let you go off with another guy and I can't let you two go on date " Scott said I quickly turned to Dallas and he was already out of the car and walking over to Scott I got off so Dallas couldn't do anything stupid I grabbed Dallas's arm and said "come on let's just go"

" no because Scott likes you I need to get it threw his mind that you don't like him" said Dallas

" oh come on dezaray you can't possibly be dating him right I mean you just met " said Scott

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