Chapter 1: Prologue

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The blonde opened the door and found herself in the cafeteria. With Jennie to her left and Jisoo to her right, she went towards a table. Soon, the three girls were surrounded by other girls and also boys. Everyone loved them. How couldn't you?

Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo were the three most popular girls in school, especially Lisa. She was blonde, thin, had brown eyes and her ability to make everyone laugh could make you wrap yourself around her little finger. She was loud and mischievous, but never disrespectful. Lisa knew where the limits were.

Jennie and Jisoo weren't as popular as Lisa was, but still two of the girls every guy on school wanted to have. Neither of them dressed inappropriate for school or anywhere else - that's why girls didn't talk bad about them behind their backs. They loved how genuine the girls were even though they were so extremely popular.

Lisa started talking to this guy whose name happened to be BamBam. She had to admit he looked amazing - he had dark brown hair and he was also from Thailand. His dark, brown eyes were sparkling and his voice would take your breath away. Lisa liked him a lot but not enough to date him - like a big brother. After all she wasn't the kind of girl to date anyone. She preferred being a single. Her best friends both were taken and tried to convince her to ask BamBam out. BamBam already had found the courage to ask her but she rejected him - in a nice way. He seemed to be her best friend, she was the only one in school who knew BamBam fancied both - men and women.

The blonde grabbed an apple of Bam's. "Hey, where are the guys?" She asked with a smile and suddenly everyone turned their attention to Lisa. She always was in the middle of the spotlight.

"Mark and Jackson are out, probably kissing and Jinyoung and JB are getting some food. And I have no clue about Yugeom or Youngjae."

Soon they all joined the table and started talking to Bam and Lisa. She felt lucky whenever she was in school - she had a lot of friends and everyone loved her.

But of course, life isn't perfect for anyone. But Lisa never thought about the dark sides of her life when she was here. She never wanted school to end, she loved it her. That might sound odd for a sixteen-years old but she rather called school 'home' than actual the house she was living in.

No, she thought to herself. I won't think about this now.

And with another smile she turned her attention back to the boys, pushing away her thoughts.

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