Chapter 6

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I didn't want to make Lisa think about why I was still sitting on the floor, rubbing my cheek ever so softly so I quickly got up and followed her to the living room. We lay down again and almost immediately she wrapped her thin arms around me and soon her breath was quieter and slower; she fell asleep which gave me time to collect my thoughts.

How was this possible?

Lisa was a girl... and I was a girl, too. I shouldn't be able to fall in love with her, that wasn't human and totally abnormal. Maybe I was just overreacting because... well, why was I overreacting?

I sighed and breathed in deeply – Lisa's scent was all around me and a smile crept onto my face even though I didn't want it to be there. I didn't know what it was, but Lisa's arms around me made me feel secure and safe and that was the best feeling I've ever had.

Lisa was the strong, tough girl which would kick your butt when you would talk bad about her and that was what I adored about her. I could've never been that strong but she made me... she changed something in me. She was there for me and she was the first one I was sure I could talk to when I needed.

I leant back a bit more so my back was pressed against her chest and she breathed out (happily, I reckoned?) and snuggled her head into the crook of my neck. Her hot breath was stroking my bare skin and with every breath she made chills ran down my spine. It was still nice and I felt my heart racing.

I would never want to move away from my spot in her arms and if I had to I would want to be like this every night. Or every day. Or both would be perfect.

I sighed again as I re-thought about what was going through my mind right now. Why was this all so stupid? All I wanted was to have a friend... why did I have to fall for her?

I was thinking about Lisa more than I should in this night and I still couldn't stop when I felt her moving beside me, showing me she was slowly waking up. I shut my eyes and she breathed out. She coughed a little – I guess she had some of my hair in her mouth... – and then I felt her smiling (her head was still buried into my neck) and she breathed out again.

The grip of her hand tightened around me and my breath hitched and my heart, which hadn't managed to slow down yet, started beating even faster. She closed her eyes and seemed to enjoy the moment and my body was going crazy.

"Lisa, you awake?" Another voice murmured and Lisa removed her arms from me to look at Jisoo who seemed to be wide awake already.

"Yeah, what's the time?" Lisa asked sleepily and yawned, and then she stretched her body. Suddenly I felt something hit my shoulder and yelped in pain. I was one of those persons who would get a bruise if you only touched them with a little too much pressure and I also couldn't handle pain very well.

"Gosh, I'm sorry, Chaeng!" Lisa squealed and I heard someone moaning.

I turned around and looked at Lisa, who was staring at me wide-eyed and with her hand covering her perfect lips... Ugh, stop it, Chaeyoung.

Jisoo was smiling at me sympathetically and Jennie hid her face beneath her pillow. Guess either mine or Lisa's shouts woke her up.

"Err... it is half past nine," Jisoo answered finally and Lisa nodded.

"Sorry again, Chaeyoung, I really didn't mean it, okay?" She looked at me worried and with a smile I shook my head, showing her I was okay. "Don't worry, Lis, I'm alright."

She breathed out relieved and then smiled brightly at us. "So, we still have time until two pm – then my parents and brother come home." She smiled at me as I shot the girl – except for Jennie who was still hiding herself beneath the pillow – a confused look. "My whole family has been away but I wanted to stay here." I could swear, for a second I saw her frowning but as quickly it was there as quickly it was gone already. "So, we can eat breakfast and then Jisoo will make lunch. She is fantastic at making lunch!" She clapped a little and Jisoo rolled her eyes at the blonde.

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