Chapter 3

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"Oh, that's wonderful, baby! Of course you can!" Mom smiled at me. "When?"

"Lisa will still tell me everything," I answered and felt even happier than this morning. I had no idea why but Lisa really made me happy.

Right that moment my phone rang and quickly I answered without looking at the ID. "Hello!"

"Hey, Chaeyoung, it's Lisa! I called you because of Friday!"

"Hey, Lisa!" I said and a smile crept onto my face.

"Well, how about I go home with you tomorrow after school so I know where to get you for Friday?" She sounded a little nervous and I felt my cheeks heating up again. Wait, why was I blushing?

"Err, sure! Mom, could Lisa come here tomorrow after school?" I gave her my best puppy eyes and she nodded with a happy smile. Although she hadn't known I had been bullied in school she had recognized I had never brought home friends. After a day in a new school I was already having friends. Every mother would be happy, wouldn't she? "Yeah, ask her if she would like to eat with us?"

"Lis, would you like to eat with us?" I blushed again as I recognized I had used a nickname for her. Oh god!

"Sure!" She said and seemed not to mind how I just called her. Maybe a lot of people called her 'Lis'...

"Okay, umm, so then I'll get you on Friday at six, alright? Then the two of us will go to my house where Jennie and Jisoo should already be waiting. My family isn't home so no-one would be able to disturb us. Umm... We always play karaoke. Can you sing?"

"I don't know," I admitted. I really loved music, but I was too shy to sing in front of other people, especially in front of people who didn't belong to my family. "Don't think so."

"It's okay. But you'll have to sing anyways!"

"No!" I exclaimed and rolled my eyes. "Please, no!"

"You better start practising already!" She laughed and I sighed. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?"

"Yep!" I smiled and we both said our good byes. Then I went upstairs and brushed my teeth to get ready for bed. I was afraid I couldn't fall asleep today - I was so excited! Today was really the best day I ever had. I was really happy Mrs. McRay had found out that people were bullying me or I wouldn't have been able to go to another school.

My mind wandered to Lisa as I lay in my bed and a smile was spread across my face. I saw her face in front of me, her blonde hair falling down her shoulders and her big brown eyes shining. She was smiling brightly at me and she was walking towards me. She put her arm around my shoulders and smiled.

"Hey gorgeous!" She said and I felt my stomach twisting around. "I'm so glad I met you, you changed my life!"

A little surprised I looked at her and she nudged me. "You are an amazing girl, Chaeyoung, you know? Hey, now you know all my friends. Shouldn't you introduce me to yours?"

"Why?" I asked shocked.

"I want to know your friends. I hope they like me." She pecked my cheek, causing me to blush, and then rested her head on my shoulder.

"I... I don't have friends... from my old school..." I murmured shyly.

Lisa pulled away from me and looked at me. She knit her eyebrows and bit her lower lip. Then her eyes widened and she nodded. "I see! They thought you were annoying, didn't they? I understand them, to be honest. You're really boring... Ugh. Okay, sorry. You kind of wasted my time. I'll go back to Bam, see ya... or rather not. You're worthless, I really don't need you."

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