Chapter 16

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"Oh my gosh, Chaeyoung, you have no idea how worried I was about you!"

"Don't worry, Lis," I smiled and stroke her back, since her arms were still wrapped around my upper body. I couldn't deny the warm feeling in my stomach, but to be honest, I learnt to accept it. I knew what it was like with Perrie and I also decided to tell her, when I got out of the hospital. I secretly hoped I would be stuck in here for a week or something because I was shitting my pants but unfortunately I was released tomorrow so I only had one day to think about what to say...

"Thanks to your brother, he found me there."

"I know, and I am really sorry for what has happened between us before. I really am, it was all just a big misunderstanding... Jinyoung was really depressed the last few days. Did you two really break up?" She sat down on the bed, next to me, and held my hand firmly. I could tell she was afraid of losing me again and I just couldn't help the redness on my cheeks. I had missed her energy so much and now that she was here, sitting and talking to me, being happy and telling me how worried she was about me just made me the happiest girl alive.

"Yup. I told him that what I was feeling for him wasn't enough and that I didn't want to be so mean and lie to him all the time..."

She nodded knowingly and I tensed up. Did he also tell her why my feelings for him weren't strong enough?

"I think Jinyoung and I were the worst," she laughed, but I could hear she was nervous. She never wanted to be the vulnerable one, but sometimes she would show me her true face, even if she was sad, and that was at the same time heartwrenching but also heartwarming – the knowledge that she trusted me enough to see her true feelings... was just overwhelming.

"It seemed to affect Mark a lot... I didn't know you were close to him." She bit her lower lip and then sighed, shaking her head. I could see she was trying to tell me something but she didn't know the words.

"Lisa?" I asked and squeezed her hand, causing her face to flush red. "If you want to tell me anything, tell me." I smiled reassuringly and nodded encouragingly, as her eyes widened. How bad could it be? Was she going out with Bam now? "If it's about you and Bam, I kind of guessed it already."

She looked at me shocked, then started laughing. "Me and Bam?" She asked and already held her stomach. "Sorry, Chaeyoung, I really love Bam but he is more like a brother to me, you know? Never could I date him, it'd be just too weird... Speaking of brothers, what did James do in the woods?"

"Same reason," I sighed and looked down at my foot. It was slightly swollen by now but it didn't hurt much – maybe I should be high because of the amount of painkillers I took already. "He needed to pee too. At first I had no idea who he was, but I was happy there was at least somebody."

"Oh my god, me too! We were so worried about you, like seriously! I know it is weird, because we only know for three weeks or something but you are like my closest friend..." She blushed and bit her forefinger's nail.

"Me too – and I really wanted you to rescue me." I laughed nervously as I realized what I had said. Why did I make it this obvious?!

"Chaeyoung, my baby, how are you?!" The shrieking voice of my mom made Lisa jump and with an awkward smile-and-wave-move she walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my parents. Of course they both wrapped their arms around me and when I looked up I could even see Alice – did she only come back home because of me?

"Chaeyoung!" She exclaimed, grabbed me by my waist and swirled me around until I felt dizzy. She still was turning round and round in the middle of the room, and we just smiled at each other – I loved my sister with all my heart because she was the one who used to protect me from the bullies in school before. I was kind of ashamed that I hardly thought about her when I was in James' room. "Poopy, I missed you so freaking much! Are you okay?"

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