Chapter 10

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Damn, I forgot my book..."

"Should we quickly get it? The bus takes hours to come here so we don't have to hurry after all," I smiled and got a confused glance by Lisa.

"Yes, I know, but I am pretty sure Jinyoung hurried up. I guess he is already waiting for you."

By the time she had finished her sentence we were at her locker and I cursed to myself. Again I had forgotten what I was about to do today! "Yeah, maybe..." I looked out of the window, only to see Jinyoung leaning against a red car, seeming to wait for me. "Sorry, I am late; Jinyoung is already waiting for me," I said shyly and looked out of the window again.

Lisa smiled at me, saying "Just go," and chuckled a bit before she wrapped her arms around me to hug me. Like always shivers ran down my spine, my breath hitched and my heart started racing. It seemed as if it had become worse since I admitted it to myself...

As I was already running away from her, towards the door and out to Jinyoung I could see her waving at me in the reflection of the glass doors and waved slightly back at her but I was sure she hadn't seen it. I ran down the few stairs and along the path up to Jinyoung.

As his eyes spotted me he pushed himself away from the car, smiling at me. Lately we started to hug each other when we met and to be honest, I liked it. I could say he was my best friend but I was afraid I would never really like him this way.

Still I started blushing – it wasn't because of the contact I had with Jinyoung, it was just that everyone assumed a boy and a girl couldn't hug without something going on between them! So I quickly released myself from his arms and found the door for my side of the car already open. He smiled at me and with even brighter cheeks I sat down.

Within seconds he was next to me, starting the car.


"Thank you, Jinyoung," I smiled as he grabbed my hand again to pull me out of the car. The way from school to his house was really short. We didn't really talk but I could feel his eyes on my back now and then while I was looking out of the window. I didn't feel uncomfortable with Jinyoung – it just wasn't the same as with Lisa.

I sighed as we went up to his door – my head was filled with thoughts and I needed someone I could tell. Jinyoung? No, I wouldn't want to hurt him and never reject a boy this way.

Lisa? Hell, no! If I told her I wouldn't want to date Jinyoung, she would only ask why and I was definitely not ready to tell her yet. And I knew I wasn't able to lie to her.

What about JB then? He was Jinyoung's best friend but as far as I knew he was a loyal friend and wouldn't tell him, would he?


"Huh?" I looked up into a pair of brown eyes. Jinyoung looked at me confused but also expectantly and only now I recognized he was inside the house, waiting for me in the doorframe, and I was still standing outside, deep in my thoughts.

"Won't you come in?" He chuckled and I nodded as I felt my cheeks turning bright red again. We walked in and he led me to the kitchen. "My mom knew you were coming and she offered to make you some food... I didn't know if you wanted some food or not so I said yes?"

It was rather a question than a statement and to help him relax a bit I just nodded smiling. We walked into the kitchen and I was greeted by two girls, a woman and a man sitting around the table. "Hi, you're Chaeyoung, right?" One of the girls asked and I nodded sheepishly.

"I am Nicky, Jinyoung's older sister," she smiled and shook my head while her other sister introduced themselves to me too – Nicky and Ruby were their names. Jinyoung's mum was named Karen and his dad's name was Jeffery and they seemed all comfortable around me. (Yes I know I gave them all white sounding names, but I'm terrible at thinking of Korean names so fight me lol.)

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