Chapter 12

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"Umm, Lisa?" I asked shyly. The last three days we had hardly talked and I had no idea what I had done wrong. I tried to talk to her – she replied but I could see her answers were distant and cool, as if she wouldn't want to talk to me. Of course my self conscience would tell me she was jealous of me and Jinyoung – but I knew better. Why would she be jealous?

Maybe because I was with Jinyoung and she still wasn't with Bam. I could have guessed it... All I did was worrying about my own stupid problems, which I had gotten me myself into and then I didn't seem to care about anyone else anymore. No wonder why I never had friends before and why my only close friend would now drop me.

"What?" She asked; her voice a bit higher pitched as usual. She would only talk like this if she was stressed or angry.

"Have I..." I cleared my throat, afraid of her answer. "Have I done anything wrong?" I asked, biting the corner of my lips. I could feel my cheeks turning bright red and quickly looked to the ground so I wouldn't have to stand her angry face. I wasn't sure if she would look at me angry now but I could guess so...

"Oh my god, Chaeyoung, no!" She yelped and jumped up from her seat to wrap her arms around my body. I could feel myself relax into her touch and sheepishly returned her hug. For the first time in a while I could smell her vanilla-rose scent and smiled slightly. It was mesmerizing me and I never wanted to let go.

You have a boyfriend, a voice in my head said and I removed my arms from around her to smile happily. "I thought you were mad at me... you haven't talked to me in a while."

She frowned. "But we did talk, today in maths, remember?"

I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the smile that was forming on my lips. "Lis, I meant really talk. You just asked me for a pen, that's not talking. I think we should do something, just you and me, huh?" Oh my god, I did not just say this! This shouted 'I am so in love with you, please go out with me!!!!!' and yet again I started blushing. What was this about Lisa that would drive me crazy? What did she have that Jinyoung didn't?

They both were nice, they both were gentle, they both were friendly and they both loved me – in different ways, but still. "So, what do you say?" My mouth said before my brain could work out what had just happened. Hopefully she wouldn't see it the way I was or else our whole friendship would break...

"Yeah, sure, why not?" She asked smiling, but again I could see something was wrong, so I frowned. The forced smile on her face faded away and she now frowned too. "You okay?"

"I could ask you the same..." I murmured and shook my head, looking down at my entwined fingers. How I wish one of those hands was hers... I knew now what it was like to hold someone's hands and I knew how Lisa's felt. The feeling of Jinyoung's hand around mine was nice, but it would be better if I could feel hers in mine. Why couldn't I just get over her?


"I told you already..." I sighed, now looking back into her eyes. Those were the ones who always told the truth, the ones who wouldn't be able to lie to me. She had a lot of secrets and I knew although she had told me her biggest there was still something she was hiding from me. Of course her eyes wouldn't be able to tell me – but as soon as I found out and confronted her, her eyes would tell me if I was right or not, no matter what left her mouth. She just couldn't keep any secrets from me. "I can see right through you, Lisa. You don't need to keep any secrets from me, I will know if something is wrong. Please, just tell me... I'm just worrying all the time."

Her eyes widened and I saw the pink that was making her pale face a bit more coloury. "So... you always know what's going on in my mind? Are you Edward Cullen or something?" She tried to laugh it off but I could see that she was nervous as hell.

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