Chapter 19

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Lisa's POV

*A little earlier that day*

Chaeyoung and I were going to my house because we wanted to go to get some ice cream but of course I had forgotten my money at home and I didn't want to borrow anything from Chaeyoung (I think I was the dominant one in the relationship) so I had to go home first and get some money. Thankfully mom wasn't at home, maybe buying some more wine and whatever she was drinking. Dad was in the living room and I went up to my room.

I opened my purse but it seemed that I had already spent all my money!

I tried to think where to get money in this house – I couldn't ask dad because I still didn't know what mom would do then if he would give me some. Maybe she would come home in the time I asked him and then I couldn't go and get some ice cream with Chaeyoung.

I still didn't know how I deserved her – she was such a perfect girl, she was lovable, she was funny, she was beautiful, she was smart and even though she had been bullied in school she was friendly to everyone. I still got furious when I thought that someone would even think about bullying her – what had she done wrong? Did she wear the wrong school uniform? Did she hit anyone?

No, because she was a nice girl and she didn't deserve this all. No-one should ever think about hurting her because she was amazing. She would never lie or tell something that wasn't true because she was innocent.

Again I thought about how to get money, she was probably impatient already – no wait, she was the patient one of us. I chuckled and decided to get some money from James' room. I hadn't been in his room since I was like twelve or something because mom locked me in there while James was somewhere with his class. When James had come home again I hadn't eaten or drank anything in four days and was half dead but he helped me.

The next day he and mom had another fight, and he threw something at her again but she used me to protect herself again. It had always been like this – shouldn't she protect me from him? And shouldn't she be the one who would save me from James if he had locked me inside his room?

His room, or better his rooms were quite small, therefore he had two. The first one was only a bedroom with a bed and some clothes around on the floor. There also was a table in the middle of the room with two chairs.

But I didn't think I would find money in here.

To be honest, I had never been in the second room so I didn't know if it was a room or a bathroom but I was pretty surprised when I opened the door. It was a black pitched room without any lights – a small oil lamp hung on the wall above me but it didn't burn right this moment. There were no windows, only a dirty bed and some clothes too. They looked like girl's clothes and I shook my head – would he bring a girl here? Seriously? And why would she even take off her clothes?

As I came closer I saw it was only a jacket and as I lifted it up I realized there was something inside one of the pockets. The jacket looked familiar to me but I couldn't tell where I had seen it already... I took out a purse of the pocket and smiled. "Jackpot," I whispered and opened it. I looked for some money but there was only one pound inside...

I should hurry up, Chaeyoung was waiting for me!

I took out a card of the purse and saw it was a student-card, like the ones we had at school too. Would he bring a girl from my school-

I gasped as I saw the photo, even though it was dark. The red hair, this smile, these eyes... Could it be? I tried to read the name but it was too dark to see it in here.

I looked around for a flashlight but all I found was a piece of paper. I grabbed it and walked out with the student-card in my hands, back into my room. Now I could read on the card "Park Chaeyoung". Okay, calm down, Lisa, James had saved her, maybe he had just found her jacket and brought it here. It doesn't mean she was here with James.

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