Chapter 15

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"Good morning, Chaeyoung, how was your sleep."

"According to the current situation... amazing." I tried to smile but I was still intimidated by him. I still didn't know what he could do to me if I got him angry so I tried my best to say things that made him happy.

"I was thinking if we could play something? I need to be in work in two hours but in the meantime... we could play Truth or Dare." He smiled and sat down next to me.

If I had been still a bit sleepy it now was all gone and I was wide awake. Did he really want to play this with me? This could be my chance to get out of here! "Okay, I am in," I smiled and then knitted my eyebrows. "Am I allowed to say anything I want or?"

"Well," he laughed and took a sip of the cup he was holding (most likely coffee like every morning) and smiled. "Of course you are not allowed to dare me to let you out of here. Except for that you're free to do what you want."

"Alright," I smiled and suppressed a big smile. I already knew what I was going to say and it was not what he forbad me to. I looked at him expectantly and rubbed my eyes because I had just woken up and now that the first excitement was gone I was becoming a bit sleepy again. "Who starts?"

"Me. Okay, so truth or dare."

"Truth," I smiled and put my hands in my lap, waiting for his response. I had to admit that I was afraid of what he would ask me but the thought of maybe getting out of here was too big. I couldn't think of anything else anymore!

"Okay, who was the first person you ever had a crush on?"

I had no idea why he wanted to know such things but this was an easy question since he most likely wouldn't know that guy after all. "His name was Connor Robinson," I said and looked away, as if I was thinking back about him with a sad smile. "My teachers told me to tutor him and he was the only one nice in school, or at least I thought so. He kissed me and I thought he would really like me but it was just some sort of bet – he lost, because I didn't sleep with him. I mean, I was only twelve or something?"

"Douche," he murmured and I raised my eyebrows ever so slightly. Wasn't what he was doing here way worse? At least I could protest about having sex with this guy – I had no control over this whatsoever. He shook his head in disapproval and sighed before he offered me a kind smile, which was confusing me again.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Why shouldn't I? You haven't done anything wrong."

Now I was really confused. "But... why are you keeping me in here then?"

He laughed again and shook his head with a smile on his lips. "I told you the day we first really talked, remember? I told you, it's all about Lisa. It's her fault that you're in here and I will keep you in here until you realize that and leave her. I am her big brother and I supposed to protect her, also from a heart break. And I know you will break her heart."

"But when you're supposed to protect her, why did you throw a vase at her?" I asked, confused. Why would he do this all? Why couldn't he just tell me everything and get me out of this confusion? Why couldn't he just let me escape?

"Oh, she told you?" He asked, seriously confused. He probably thought he would know everything about me and Lisa's bond, but apparently he didn't. But how could he know when he didn't know I was sleeping at Lisa's when he and their parents were gone? "Well, my mom was telling me she was about to kill 'her useless daughter who is only costing her millions of pounds' and I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to me. So I decided to throw anything at her, because no matter how much I love everyone in my family, Lisa is always first."

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