Chapter 5

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I decided to take a shower and Jennie was nice enough to show me where I could find the showers. I turned up the water and after Jennie had left I stripped off and stepped inside. The hot water was running down my skin and I closed my eyes, the water dripping down from my hair.

I breathed out heavily before I smiled slightly. Never had I expected that this could all happen, let alone in only one week. I wasn't the outsider anymore; no, now I was one of the cool kids, if you wanted to say it like this, and even a boy had asked me out already.

And what about the girls? Lisa seemed to like me from the beginning even though I could see something was wrong with her. Not like she was mental or something although she always was a little bit crazy but that was what people liked about her. It was rather the fact that it looked like she was hiding a secret from everyone and I wanted to know what it was.

But how could I ask her? Sure, we became good friends already and I would call her my best friend but only because she is the only friend I ever had. To her I was maybe just another friend, not even a good friend and that kind of made me sad.

Anyway, I could not just ask her. How stupid would that be? She would only say that it wasn't my business and then I would've ruined the friendship... but I wanted to know so badly. Not because I was simply curious – okay, maybe a bit but that wasn't the main reason. I wanted to help her. Hiding a secret wasn't a big deal to me because no-one knew how I had been bullied at my old school but this was something else.

It seemed to eat her from the inside and I really wanted to be there for her. She was there for me, she had made me happy and she had made me to the girl I was at the moment. It was only fair that I helped her with her problems, right?

But the other thing was... what was up with Jennie and Jisoo? Did they really not see what was wrong with Lisa? Or did they just not care about her?

No, scratch that, I am sure they do care about their best friend. That's what best friends are there for, right?

And here we have it again – best friends. I guess Lisa would tell me if we were better friends... Maybe Jennie and Jisoo already knew. Was it about a boy?

I could feel my heart hurt at that thought. What on earth was wrong with me? Whenever I was thinking about Lisa (and maybe it meant something that I was constantly thinking about the Blondie) something inside me was different than when I thought about like my parents or my sister Alice...

"Chaeyoung?" A voice asked and I jumped a little. The shower head dropped and the water was shooting around. "Chaeyoung, are you okay?" Lisa's worried voice said.

"Yeah!" I shouted back and turned off the water quickly. "What do you need?"

"Well, err, the girls and I are pretty tired already and we would go to bed now. It's already three in the morning." She chuckled and I smiled a little, too. "So, are you finished soon? Jisoo doesn't sleep that well and she is kind of afraid you'd wake her up." Her voice got quieter and I could imagine her cheeks flushing pink – she was so cute sometimes!

"Yeah, I'm done already!" I shouted. "Can I take one of those white towels?" I asked and pointed at them although she couldn't see me.

"Yup! See ya in a sec, we're waiting downstairs."

"Alright!" I shouted and grabbed a towel to wrap it around my chest. I stepped out of the hot shower, shivering by the sudden cold. I muttered some swear words and quickly dried my body so I could take on the warming clothes again.

I rushed downstairs and I saw the girls sitting there, Jennie's eyes half-closed, Lisa was stretching her body and Jisoo yawned. "Sorry!" I murmured and took place. Lisa was lying on the right side and I was lying between her and Jisoo, Jennie was on the left end.

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