Chapter 21: Epilogue

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It had been three years now since both Lisa and Chaeyoung had finished studying – Chaeyoung had been studying arts in Oxford and Lisa had decided to study medicine in Manchester. Still they had managed to see each other on the weekends, no matter what kind of exam they had to get. They wouldn't let anything come between them and this had probably been the reason why they were still together – Chaeyoung being an arts teacher in the South Shield's primary and Lisa being in her first year of South Shield's hospital.

They still had little meetings with the other people from school once a month, and they were telling other about what had happened since their last meeting.

"So, Jennie, how was you and Taehyung's wedding?" Bam asked. His arm was around his girlfriend's shoulder, who was there for the first time. Her name was Mina and she was from another city, called Bradford. Bam had visited his grandparents in Bradford and had met Mina there and since then they were together (which was probably three months ago).

"Amazing!" Jennie grinned and looked at the golden ring on her finger. "Really sad you couldn't come – but I hope you'll come to the baby shower!"

"No way!" JB said with a huge grin. "Wow, congrats, Jennie!" He said and hugged her tightly.

Everyone agreed with JB, giving Jennie and her husband Taehyung a hug. "We are really happy for you," Lisa agreed and hugged her best friend as the last person. Jennie had been in Manchester too so they had been together all the time – in Manchester, Jennie had also met Taehyung.

JB was alone there but he wasn't the only single in the round, also Jinyoung was still (or again) single. Mark and Jackson still were together and it looked like they were as much as in love as the day they had told each other their love for each another.

Jisoo was also single, but she didn't want it any other way. Together with Chaeyoung, she had studied in Oxford, but she had studied music instead of arts. The black haired girl had started playing some instruments, them being the guitar, the violin and the piano. She worked for some different musicians, on tour, so she was always around. So she herself said she wouldn't need a boyfriend at the moment and she was happy the way she was.

Chaeyoung looked up to meet Jinyoung's eyes and he was smiling at her. They had become good friends again and also met sometimes, only if Lisa wasn't against it. She wouldn't say anything but Chaeyoung knew when it was better not to mention that she'd like to meet Liam again. He had been with a girl since they had broken up and they had been together for two years, but now he was single again.

"Anything new between you?" Mark asked and Chaeyoung's attention was drawn away from the only boy she had ever kissed.

Lisa blushed, something that was really rare, and looked over at her girlfriend. "Well, err, I finally did it," Lisa murmured and now Chaeyoung also blushed deeply.

"What?" Jinyoung asked and everyone giggled – of course Lisa hadn't told anyone about their plans but everyone kind of knew it – they were together for more than four years now, it was only time that one of them would propose.

Chaeyoung raised her arm and pulled back the sleeve of her jumper to show everyone her fingers – a silver ring with a small sparkling diamond was on her ring finger. The diamond reflected the light from above them and made her whole hand look brighter.

"Wow, oh my, this one's so pretty!" Jisoo scream-whispered. She grabbed Chaeyoung's hand to get a closer look at the ring and sighed. "I am really happy for you two, well done, Lisa." She smiled at her friend and hugged them both.

"Seems like we have a lot of things to tell today," Jinyoung smiled and took a sip of his beer. "My sister called me yesterday because she is getting a baby, too." He smiled at them and again everyone congratulated him.

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