Chapter 17

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"When will we tell the others?"

"I only want to tell Mark by now. If you want to, you can tell Jennie or Jisoo, but I want both of us only to have one person to know, if you don't mind," I smiled and kissed her nose, trying to stop the pout on her face – it happened the way I wanted it to her and pout (unwillingly) turned into a smile.

"I cannot resist you when you're so cute," she smiled and kissed my nose this time.

We were in my room because my mum allowed her to sleep over again, after I had asked her. It was close to midnight and freezing cold outside – we could hear the wind howling and the branches crashed against the windows, but here, cuddled up in my duvets, we both didn't mind. We had our arms around each other and now my head was buried into her chest. When I first realized that I liked Lisa I always thought the next time we cuddled it would be weird and uncomfortable but I couldn't find a place where I wanted to be more right now – this felt perfect.

"Are you tired already, Chaengie?" She asked and I felt she was wrapping some of my hair around her finger.

"A little bit," I admitted and even though I hadn't planned it I opened my mouth wide to yawn. I muttered a sorry and she giggled, tightening the grip around my waist.

"Sleep well and sweet dreams," she murmured and kissed my forehead, causing me to shiver in a good way. Why did her touch feel so good? I had never felt this way and I never wanted to miss it. "And I will only tell Jennie, if that makes you happy. Even though I have two best friends."

"Me too," I murmured, now feeling really sleepy. "But I'll only tell one because the other one already knows."

"Aww!" She squealed and snuggled her head into the crook of my neck so her cheek was now on mine. "Now seriously, sleep tight."

"You too... Oh, and Lis?"


"Love you."

"Love you more," she whispered and I felt her lips against my forehead again before I drifted off.


"Oh my god, Chaeyoung, you're back!"

The moment I entered school almost everyone was running towards me. Arms were around my shoulders, my waist, my head, trying to hug me and voices told me how much they had missed me. I spotted a head of brown locks and removed myself from the mob, telling them I was okay. Then I walked up to Mark, who was leaning against my locker. He hugged me tightly and breathed out relieved. "Jinyoung told me they found you but it's still a big relief to see you in person," he smiled and let me go, leaning back against the locker again. "How are you feeling? And how is your foot?"

"Hello," I smiled and shook my head. "I really appreciate your worry about me, but you always need to say 'hello' first, Mark."

He rolled his eyes at me and together we walked to our first class. Lisa and I already seperated at the car because she had maths now and I had physics, and I didn't want to separate from her in front of everyone. "Well, okay, hello then, how are you and your foot?" He asked.

"We're okay," I smiled and bit my lower lip. I really wanted to tell him but I was afraid of how to. "How was Jinyoung taking the break-up?" I started it – before he was my friend, he was Jinyoung's and I didn't want to tell him already if Jinyoung was still... sad because of what had happened between us.

"I think it was more your accident that kind of... made him really depressed. He told me your broke up, because of the reason you told me, and he seemed sad, but also he seemed to accept it. But the next day, when Lisa told us, you were missing, he was going mental." He ran a hand through his hair and sat down at a seat next to mine, although it wasn't his.

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