Chapter 18

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It's been a month now since Lisa and I were together – nothing really changed, or at least not in school. Mark had convinced me to tell Jackson because of course the older boy had found out his boyfriend was hiding something from him and I didn't want to be the reason for their break-up. Jennie had also convinced us to tell Jisoo because we kind of were like four musketeers (not my words, just saying).

Of course we couldn't keep as a secret from our friends for long and now everyone in our group knew. This was quite a bunch of people because if it would go the way I wanted it to, we would still be a secret couple – to everyone. But I was already grateful that she wasn't shouting around she was my girlfriend (it still sounded so new and amazing!), and it felt amazing that she would rather listen to me than follow her own wishes – that was one of the things I really loved about her.

Like usual, we sat in the cafeteria, Lisa's hand brushing my hand now and then, only because of the people around who didn't know yet. I knew how much she wanted to grab and hold it, and I was just the same, but the fear, what other people would think of us was still there.

"By the way, after school I need to get something from home before we go get ice cream. Will you go to the ice cream parlor, or will you go with me?" She had plastered one of her biggest and most innocent smiles on her face and this way I just couldn't resist her.

After school we went to her house, our arms linked and she looked at me pouting. "Please let me hold your hand?" She whined. "We're girls, no one will mind."

She didn't need another word; I just grabbed her hand and entwined our fingers. No matter how long we were together already, I still felt my heart racing or my breath hitching when she was near. You'd think I got used to it, but it still was there.

"Wait here, I'll be right back," she smiled and kissed my forehead before she walked inside. I leaned against the door and breathed out happily – a bit more than a month ago I had been locked in some room in this house and a normal person would have a trauma, but not me. I really didn't mind being here, because when I was around I was only thinking of the good things that had happened, like when I first slept here.

After some time I got impatient and knitted my eyebrows. Normally Lisa would come out within at least a minute but now she was in there for five minutes already, and of course I got worried. With a woman like her mother in the house...

I knocked on the door and shouted her name but I got no response. "Lisa, if you hear me please open the door," I half-shouted. I felt like my voice was breaking because I couldn't stand the thought of Lisa being hurt from her own mum. How could she want to get rid of her, such a wonderful person? "Lisa!"

The door opened and I looked into the face of a rather old man, his hair was still a bit brown but mostly a bit grey-ish and his eyes were dull, but I could still recognize the sparkle Perrie's eyes had, too. "Sorry, err, where is Perrie? We wanted to go somewhere but she didn't come out now..."

"She said she wouldn't go," the guy explained sympathetically. "She said, if you were asking for her, you should go and talk to James."

Confused I knitted my eyebrows. "What does she mean?" I asked curiously.

"You are a liar!" She shouted from upstairs and I made a step inside the house to see her petite figure on the stairs, the only way to the second floor. "You should've told me, we could've sent him to jail, this bastard!" She ran down the stairs, towards me and glared at me, causing my heart to ache. "But what are you doing?! Defending the guy that has kidnapped you! Seriously, why? You know what he has done, to you, to me, to my life. And still you protect him. How dare you betraying me like this, after all what we have done? After all I trusted you?!"

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