Chapter 4

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"Hey, Chaeyoung."

I looked up, meeting a pair of brown eyes. I smiled as I recognized the boy and put away my book. I smiled at him and waved slightly. I still wasn't able to talk to everyone carefree and it always took me a few minutes to talk to someone properly, even if I knew the person - except for Lisa.

"What are you doing on Friday?"

Surprised I raised an eyebrow at him. Was he just... asking me out? Me?! "Err, why?"

He smiled slightly and took place next to me. "I thought you could come over to my house and we could watch some movies or something... I mean, only if you're free." His eyes suddenly widened and he hit his forehead. "I'm sorry! I forgot to ask you if you had a boyfriend! I guess he wouldn't be amazed if you spent some time with me."

So, that's why Lisa had asked me what I thought about Jinyoung! He was into me. Oh my god! He was into me! My cheeks flushed pink. It was an incredible feeling to know someone liked me, let out thinking I was pretty! "I'm sorry..." I smiled. "I don't have a boyfriend but I'm sleeping at Lisa's with her, Jennie and Jisoo," I explained. It was weird to let him down. I had never ever thought it would be me who would ever reject someone, after all it would've been vice versa.

"It's okay," he said smiling but I could tell he was a bit disappointed. "Maybe someday else... Tell me if you want to."

"Sure!" I smiled and he smiled too, still looking a bit disappointed.

I looked away from him as my teacher came in and I put away my book. Once again I looked over to Jinyoung. I had always wanted friends, a boyfriend and a nice life. Now I had a nice life and friends. I had no boyfriend yet but none of these guys I had met here were the ones I could fall in love with. They were all nice and I shouldn't be so picky but I knew it'd feel wrong if I was dating a boy and not Lisa- wait, what?!

I felt my cheeks heating as I re-thought my thought. Me and Lisa? No, that wasn't possible. We both were girls and only knew each other for two days.

"Ms. Park, could you please tell me the answer?"

I looked up into the eyes of our teacher and panic flooded my body. Dang! I hadn't paid any attention and the lesson had begun almost twenty minutes ago!

"Black," Jinyoung whispered and I answered with the same word.

My teacher glared at me one more time before he turned his attention back to the rest of the class. "Thanks," I muttered quietly.

"No prob," Jinyoung smiled with a wink. I was sure we could be good friends.



I felt two arms wrapping around my shoulders and returned Jisoo's friendly hug. Next I hugged Jennie who smiled widely at me. "We already thought you'd never turn up!" She said.

"Sorry," Lisa giggled and grabbed my jacket. "I got lost on the way to her house. Sorry, girls!"

"Anyways," Jisoo smiled. "What should we start with? Karaoke? Nails? Face masks? Pillow fight?"

I chuckled. "We really do the things all these girly girls do in these high school films?"

"Yeah, we always do!" Lisa explained and led me into the living room. Pillows lay around on the floor, the table (which I thought would normally stand in front of the sofa) was pushed to a corner of the room so we had more space. MTV was on the tv, airing 'Teen Mom' right now. Sweets, chocolate and popcorn were on the floor - the sweets and the chocolate still wrapped into the packages and above the popcorn was a small, white cloud, showing me it was still hot. "So, I decided we all could sleep on the sofa. Of course only if no-one wants to sleep upstairs."

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