Chapter 11

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Chaeyoung's POV

"So, are you and Jinyoung dating now?" Jennie asked and I laughed, not looking at her. I felt my cheeks turning red and took a quick sip of my coke.

"Err... I'm not sure... I don't think so... why?" I laughed shyly, unsure what to say. I didn't really want to be together with Jinyoung because he seemed only to be the one to occupy my mind from Lisa. But JB sat right next to me too and he and Lisa grinned at me knowingly.

I could see Jennie looking at Lisa from the corners of my eyes but I didn't pay any attention to it because that moment Jinyoung came to us and sat down right across from me.

"So, Jinyoung, are you and Chaeyoung together now?" Jackson asked laughing. His arm was around Mark's shoulder, who was smiling at us cheekily. Today he was wearing his glasses which made him look younger and also a bit cuter than normally.

I could see his cheeks flushing deeply red, redder than ever before and his brown eyes. I looked at him curiously, waiting for his answer - I was also afraid, I had to admit. Our friends were amazing and they would be happy for us but if Jinyoung said we were actually going out there was no turning back - now I could maybe still tell Jinyoung I only wanted friendship but if he thought we were together I would need to break up one day... Why did I even say yes? I'm so stupid!

"Err... I'm not sure... I don't think so.... why?"

Everyone started giggling and I just sighed as I realized Jinyoung had just used exactly the same words as I. I smiled sheepishly at him before we both quickly turned our attention back to our food.

"Aww, you two are too cute!" Jisoo giggled and I looked over to Jennie, who looked at Jisoo warningly. The black haired girl didn't seem to notice it and just turned back to her food.

"Chaeng?" Jennie asked again, smiling at me. "What are you doing on Saturday?"

I heard Lisa groan and looked at her in confusion. Her eyes widened and shaking my head I looked back at Jennie - the blonde's mood swings really were confusing me. I knew what was wrong with her, I knew why she sometimes was sad. I also knew why she was happy in school.

But things like this... confused me.

"Err... I'm going to the cinema with Jinyoung..." I murmured and looked over at him, only to see him blushing again.

"Aww!" Jisoo giggled and clapped her hands a little. "You two are so cute together, like seriously. Just admit that you're dating!"

"Excuse me," Lisa smiled before she got up, carrying away her plate and the empty water bottle. She hadn't eaten it all, unlike herself. She always was hungry, literally all the time, so I had never seen her not finished her meal. I looked at her as she walked away and heard Jennie whispering something to Jisoo.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Jackson ask and he looked at me expectantly, as if I knew the answer.

I swallowed the food that was in my throat and shrugged, trying to look like I wouldn't care. "I guess she's just not hungry anymore..." I turned my attention back to my food but my appetite was gone by now.

"I'll see if she's okay..." Jennie excused herself before getting up and following after the blonde.

I felt someone taking the now empty seat next to me and looked up to see a pair of brown eyes. "Hey there," he smiled at me and took a bite of his chips. "Umm... Jisoo just made me think of something... basically... we are together... aren't we?"

I choked on my chip and he had to pat my back so I wouldn't die right then and there. "Umm... are we really? I mean... we only know each other for like... What, two weeks?"

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