Chapter 14

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Lisa's POV

It had been three days now since none of had heard a word of Chaeyoung and I was practically dying inside. I mean, it was already bad enough that she, the girl I was in love with, was gone, it was also that we parted after a fight, which was killing me.

What if she had done anything to herself because of our fight and her break-up with Jinyoung?

No, I wasn't even allowed to think about this.

She was just somewhere... If I only knew where... I would go and find her and kick some butt, because they kept her away from me for that long. This got me so frustrated! Why couldn't she just walk up to me, hug me and tell me nothing had happened to her?

This was just not fair... I needed my poor Chaeyoung back. She was so vulnerable...

How could I save her?


Chaeyoung's POV

I had no plan of anything. I hadn't seen the daylight for... I had no idea. I had no feeling of time whatsoever anymore. It was dark in the room I was in, except for a single oil lamp, hanging above me. If I would stand up I could touch it, but I just couldn't.

It wasn't like I was tied somewhere but I hadn't eaten anything since I was here and all I had done in the meantime was curling myself up onto this rather hard bed without any sheets and crying. I had been asleep for always a little bit, but I had no feeling of time.

Maybe I had been in here for a day, maybe for a week or maybe only for a few hours; I really had no idea.

I heard a noise and the door creaked open – it was wooden but too hard to break. I had calculated my chances and the door was way too heavy for my tiny body. If only Lisa was here with me now... She probably was tiny and small, but that girl had some power...

Wait, no, Lisa shouldn't be here with me!

Of course I was scared about myself but no matter how weird it was, I was more worrying about how Lisa was. I cried a lot since I was here and I was just tired and wanted to sleep...

I looked up at the person who had entered the room and the person – I couldn't tell who it was since the person was wearing something to hide their face – and felt myself coughing. My throat hurt because I also had nothing to drink. The person gave me a bottle with some clear liquid inside (hopefully water) and a plate with some food on it.

Then they went out without another word.

They were pretty tall, taller than one of the guys I knew from school, and also pretty broad-shouldered. It made me shiver and again I felt myself crying. Why did this have to happen to me? Didn't I go through enough already? Hadn't I have to endure so much already?

I didn't take the food or the water and wrapped my hands around my legs again. I rested my forehead against my knees and led the tears flow again.

Maybe I should just die in here...

I hadn't realized that I had fallen asleep until someone woke me up rather harsh. I looked up into a pair of dark eyes, but I couldn't tell which colour they were. They could've been blue or green, I wouldn't have known because it was too dark in the room and I felt dizzy.

"Why didn't you eat?" This guy asked. His voice was deep but I didn't think I had ever heard it before in my life. "Eat now, or do you want to die?" He practically pushed the plate towards me and frightened I picked up the fork. I got some food onto it and put it to my mouth. I was afraid to eat whatever he had given to me there but I was more afraid of not doing what he was telling me to do – I was sure he would hurt me then.

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