My Trainer gets Awkward

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I woke up early so I could train. I grabbed the sword and kept swinging at the dummy. I used all the knowledge that Travis taught me. The dummy ended up being mutilated by sword hits. After I finished off with it, I moved onto the next dummy. It was stronger than the last so it stayed in tact.

I kept swinging at the dummy. Sweat was dripping off my forehead. "Looking good."

I turned around and saw Travis. I put down the sword. "It's time for breakfast."

I nodded. "Okay."

We walked together. Our walk was silent. "So..." He said. "You've improved."


He nodded. "I have this prank. We could replace all of the weapons from the Ares cabin with rubber chickens."

I smiled. "That's great."

"Tonight when everyone is asleep."

I nodded. Mr. D walked up to us. "Olive, go tell your siblings to stop shooting at my son's cabin. They're doing it to annoy me, but they don't want to be cursed, now do they?"

I shook my head furiously. I ran off to my siblings and told them the message. Then, I went back to eat breakfast. I asked them why they were shooting the cabin. "Because, Mr.D took away some of our poetry privileges."


"He thinks it's annoying. We will rebel."

I went up to Mr.D. "You can't take away their poetry privileges. If you do, they will keep annoying you like that."

He glared at me. "Fine."

I smiled at him. I sat down with them. "You're good now."

They patted my back and thanked me. I gave my dad some eggs and bacon. Travis and I went to the training room and we fought. I beat him by a landslide for the first time in history. My victory didn't last long because he knocked me to the ground. I jumped up, but he hit my sword out of my hands. He swung the sword around my neck so that he was an inch away from my face.

Our breathing was heavy. "Good job." He said.


"Well... this.... umm." he mumbled nervously.

"Yea." I mumbled as well.

He backed up. "See you tonight for the prank."

I nodded. My heart was beating like a drum, hard and fast. He was running his fingers through his hair. He walked away talking to himself. My conscious was confusing me. Why do I feel this way? I shouldn't be able to like him. He's cute and funny, he makes me laugh, but gods, can I trust anyone now a days? I never trusted anybody.

Can I trust him? For me, the most important thing is trust. I think I can. He's the first one I told about my mom. I thought about how close he was to my face. Fireworks went off in me. Yep, I definitely do.

I took a deep breath and walked to the archery range. I kept shooting them over and over again. It was time for the prank.

We checked to see if everyone was asleep, especially Clarisse. They all were. Travis unlocked the door, an we snook in. He took the weapons, I handed the rubber chickens, and Connor put the rubber chickens where the weapons were supposed to be.

We ran out, locking the door behind us. They walked me home. Travis wasn't talking to me at all, but Connor was blabbering on and on. I gently elbowed Travis in the hip. He looked at me, and I smiled.

He looked startled and confused. We made it back to my cabin. I walked inside with my heart in my hands.

The next training session was even quieter. We fought each other but didn't have a conversation. We ended in a tie. He got better. I tried to smile, but it was no use. He must not like me anymore, considering he had a frown on his face. The only time he smiled around me was when we were out pulling pranks.

Book 1 in Olympus's Girls- The Arrow's Thief: A Percy Jackson (Heroes of Olympus) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now