Chapter 21: Warning

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Happy birthday, @sinfulkiller4 I hope you have a wonderful day! 

  My head throbbed to the beat of my heart.

  I couldn't get my eyes to open.

  I'd imagined that the room I'd wake up in would a stereotypical pure white room with nothing but a heavy locked door and a cot on the floor with me on. I was almost completely wrong.

  Yes, the room was painted white, but there were many more things in it. I was laying on a daybed in the corner of the room with a blue and purple floral quilt on top of a lavender bedspread that tied nicely into the quilt. At the end of my bed was a pastel blue chest- this also matched the quilt-and had a white faux fur cushion on top of it. Beside my bed, a pale grey nightstand/ sideboard sat underneath a window with sheer curtains in the same grey color. On the other side of the room was another bed. It had a similar quilt just in pinks and yellows with a pale yellow chest and grey fur cushion.

  The most noticeable part of it was the person sitting in it. Her silky brown hair hung far down like a curtain and was tucked carefully behind one ear. Her complexion was of someone who was pale but had spent long hours outside. I couldn't see her eyes as they were focused on a sketchbook in her lap and thick-rimmed black glasses sat on her nose. Her left leg was sprawled out awkwardly to the side to accommodate the white cast just below her knee and reaching to the middle of her foot.


  "Hello?" I croaked, sitting up and immediately regretting the movement that magnified the throbbing.

 She looked up and smiled. "Good to see you're awake."

  "Elizabeth?" I blinked.

  "Oh, you remember me," she said, a little surprised.

  I nodded, then flinched away from the sharp pain that shot through my head because of it.

  "There's Tylenol on the dresser-" she pointed at a large grey dresser opposite of the sideboard-"if you want any."

  I didn't nod this time. Swinging my legs off the bed, I made my way gingerly over to the dresser and grabbed the little plastic bottle of medicine and a water bottle that accompanied it. I almost fell back onto the bed as I poured two of the pills onto my hand and examined it. Warnings flashed behind my eyes 'It could be poisoned'.

  "They aren't tampered with to my knowledge," Elizabeth offered as if she'd read my mind. I decided against my better judgment to trust her and I took the pills. No immediate feeling of sickness. I sat back and let my headache melt away.

* * * * *

  Hours had passed of Elizabeth and I doing nothing but awkwardly trying to get to know each other, when the door clicked open and our father walked in. I shot to my feet and Elizabeth would have done the same if it weren't for her cast.

  "Come with me, (Y/N)," Richard said, completely ignoring Elizabeth. I glanced at my sister to see what her reaction was to this command.

  "Go," she whispered. I gave her a grateful nod and followed Richard out into a hallway. The hallway was painted a dull grey and only had the odd off-white door to break the monotony. I was honestly surprised that I hadn't been knocked out again or at least blindfolded as he led me through hallways and upstairs. It was as if he was asked me to escape.

  "What here," he said, stopping at the very top of the hotel type staircase. I noticed a door that said roof on it after he disappeared. I approached the door and experimentally turned the handle. The door swung open without any effort and let sunlight stream into the fluorescently lit building.

  Glancing behind me, I stepped out onto the roof and looked around. I recognized nothing, but I could hear traffic and life beyond the edge of the roof. Once again, warnings flashed in my head that everything about this 'escape' was too easy. Void would never lead me to a door that was so carelessly left unlocked, unless...

  "(Y/N)!" The one person I wanted to see, but I knew shouldn't see.

  I turned around as Peter scooped me into his arms.

  "Peter," I whispered.

  "(Y/N)," he whispered back, "thank God I found you, I've been looking for 3 days."

  3 days. Had I been unconscience for 3 days?

  I pulled out of his arms even though that was the last thing I wanted to do. "Peter you have to go right now."

  "What-?" he blinked in disbelief, "But I can get you out of here."

  "Peter you have to go, I'm certain it's a trap and Void could be here any second," I said quickly, pushing him slightly to get the clue.

  "But, (Y/N)-" he started and even as he started I heard the quiet click of a door opening behind me.

  "Peter, Now!" I said, pushing him again, but harder and toward the edge of the roof where I prayed he'd make it out.

  But he tore himself away from me seconds too late.

 Void shoved past me and I toppled to the ground. I could only take a second to regain the breath that had been knocked out of me, and I forced myself back to my feet. I hated the sight I saw.

  Peter lay sprawled on the ground, head loled ominously to the side as Void stood over him. A smirk played at Void's lips as he bent slowly over and hooked his fingers under the Spider-Man mask. I launched myself at him without and hooked my arms around his neck and pulled back as hard as I could.

  The effect was immediate and effective. Void pinwheeled his arms as he struggled to keep his balance thus removing his attention from my unconscience boyfriend. At least for now.

  "You little," he snarled, knocking me off his back and whirling on me.

  "All you had to do was keep your nose out of it and let me get rid of this little annoying insect," he said, advancing on me.

  "Arachnid," I corrected out of habit. The look of pure of anger on his face would have been comical any other time than when he was heavily ladened with weapons that he was seconds away from using on me.

  "If only you had loyalties to the right team," he huffed, "We can fix that."

  His words rung in my head. I had no time to fight as he slung me over his shoulder and marched me back to the door. He threw me to the floor.

  "I'll be back in a moment," he said, the smirk back on his face.

  Dread in it's purest form settled deep in my stomach as I watched him, through the closing crack of the door, saunter back to Peter's limp form.

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