Chapter 3

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"AuraStorm, you have been chosen to become a Prime."

I stare at them in shock. Me, a Prime?

"AuraStorm, as The Thirteen Primes, we have the power to make you a Prime. We had to get two other spirits to agree with us. However. We got more than just two." Suddenly, several spirits appeared, some of them I didn't even know.

"All of these spirits have been watching you closely and have all agreed that it is you. You have been chosen."

Suddenly, I was lifted up off the ground. All of the spirits spoke at once. "AuraStorm, with the power invested in us, we now make you Aura Prime, the Prime of Hope. May you give hope to all those who need it."

Some of the white swirled and it created the Matrix of Hope. My chassis opens and the Matrix floats in. My chassis closes and all of the sudden all the white light swirls around me. I could see the colors on my armor changing and I could feel my body changing. What's happening? When it's done, I am standing on the ground, facing away from the way I came in.

I blink and study my servos. I wasn't purple anymore. I was mostly white, with a little gold and purple. I turn around.

"Soundwave, can you take a picture so I can see my full form?", I ask.

He does so and I look at it. I was shocked. There was no way they would recognize me. (Picture at the top is before and after.)

"You took a video, correct?", I ask. He nods once. "Can I see it?"

He shows me the video. It shows me going into the light and then there was no movement for a while before the light started moving. Then all was still for a second and then the white parted and you could see my old form floating, my eyes shocked. Next, all the white goes into my form and once it completely disappears, you see my new form.

"Well, at least they'll know what what happened to me", I say before it finally registers.

"You have no clue what happened in there, do you?", I ask. Soundwave puts a thumbs down on his visor.

I tell him I'll explain back at base.

I call Ratchet. "Hey, Ratch, we could a use a bridge", I say. A bridge opens next to me and I turn to Soundwave.

"You go first", I smile. He goes through and I follow soon after, staring at the place I was made a Prime a few more seconds.

As soon as I'm through, the bridge closes. Everyone has their guns pointed at me.

"Who are you?", Arcee says, defensively.

"My name is Aura Prime. But you know me as AuraStorm", I say, looking out on the team. They had all gathered around me, in case I was a threat.

The looks of shock were all I needed. "Soundwave, the video."

He uploads it onto the computer and everyone watches it. Pure shock fills their faces while they watch.

"Wait, so what was that first swirl of white light", Smokescreen asks.

"That was the creation of the Matrix of Hope", I smile.

Ratchet looks at me in shock. "I thought there was only one Matrix..."

"There was. But then I was created. The thirteen realized that I gave everyone hope that the war could be over. And once it was, they knew they were correct. They allowed me to experience leadership for a while and they saw that I could lead. So they sent a message to Ratchet", I say. They all look at me in shock and I turn to Optimus. "We have a lot to discuss."

A New Battle Is Waging {Sequel to You Heal Me}Where stories live. Discover now