Chapter 4

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*unknown POV*

I frown. So she's a Prime now. That's going to make my plans much more difficult. I turn to the skinny beanpole pipe that I had found and kept prisoner.

"Starscream", I hiss. "You have been able to survive for a long time. If you are not with Team Hope then where have you been STAYING?!"

I was losing my patience with him. I've had him for a week now and he hasn't given me anything. I've tried torturing him, but he just shrieks and eventually passes out. I keep him healed because I need him for something. He's such a weakling though.

"I'm not going to tell you, Arachnid!!", he snarls. I growl and transform, lifting one of my legs towards his face, he whimpers and shies away.

"Tell me and I will allow you to live", I hiss. He whimpers before finally giving in.

"The harbinger. It still functions, barely. I have managed to use the equipment there successfully", he whimpers.

I grin. "Wonderful." I start to undo his cuffs and when I get to the last one. I smirk and whisper in his audio receptor. "You shouldn't trust someone who haven't trusted in the past."

I stab his side and he gasps in pain.

"Now I let you bleed to death, slowly, painfully", I hiss. He gets up off the ground and I growl, stabbing his other side, making him fall yet again. This time he can't get up.

"You're a wimp, Starscream. It's a wonder you were ever Megatron's second in command", I hiss before transforming and flying off.

*Aura's POV*

"Aura, I am getting an embedded message... from Starscream", Ratchet catches my attention.

"What does it say?", I ask.

"I am injured. Help!", Ratchet says.

"Ratchet, Knockout, come with", I say, not even stopping to think.

"Aura, are you sure you want to help him?", Ratchet says.

"I will not let someone who needs help not get the help they need", I say before activating the ground bridge.

I walk through with Knockout and Ratchet. I see Starscream on the ground, in a puddle of energon. I gasp. "Ratchet. Knockout. Help him."

I didn't have to say it as they were already working on it.

He was passed out but I could tell he was severely injured.

An hour passes and they manage to get him stable. We pull him back through the ground bridge. We take him to Nemesis as they have better medical tools than Ratchet, however reluctant he is to admit it.

After another hour, he finally starts to wake up. I had Bulkhead and Bumblebee guarding the doors so if he tries to leave, he'll have to get through them first.

"Wha?", he says groggily. He tries to sit up but I push him back down.

"Be careful, Starscream. You have been severely injured", I say. Ratchet and Knockout had left a few minutes ago to get some energon.

"Who the frag are you?", he exclaims, not recognizing me.

"Who do I sound like?", I ask sarcastically.

"You sound like AuraStorm but you look nothing like her!!", he exclaims.

"Well, surprise, it is me. I'm known as Aura Prime now", I say.

He gasps. "A Prime? You're a Prime now?!" Them he notices his surroundings. "Why are you on the Decepticon warship?"

"Do you seriously not know what has happened since you left the Decepticons?", I ask.

A New Battle Is Waging {Sequel to You Heal Me}Where stories live. Discover now