Chapter 7

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"Starscream, you traitor!!" I screamed from the top of the base as insecticons shot as us. I then turned to my fellow teammates.

"Get back into the base. Tell those on the warship to hide it somewhere safe until we can regroup", I say.

I knew Soundwave and Knockout were on the warship, so I did not worry for the safety of those there. But now we had to leave our only base. I growled before leading my teammates back into the base.

"We must split up if we are to survive. I want each of you to take one relic with you unless you have a charge.  So Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee. I will send you guys off first while the others go and get the relics. I nod at the rest of the team and they all go get relics.

I open random coordinates to Bumblebee and Raf and they go through. I open another set of coordinates for Bulkhead and Miko and then Arcee and Jack. I open several different ground bridges for the rest of my team, sending them out one at a time, until it was just me, Ratchet, Optimus and a few vehicons left.

"Your turn, Ratch", I whisper. Ratchet shakes his head. "I won't leave you, Aura."

"You must", I whisper as I stand in front of him, staring into his beautiful optics. I could see the pain in them. I give him one last kiss before shoving him through the ground bridge and closing it before he could come back through.

I could feel his anger over our bond but I only sent love back. And I knew he knew I only did it out of love for him.

"Papa, your turn", I say as I turn to Optimus.

"No. I will stay behind to destroy the ground bridge, so Arachnid does not know where you have gone", Optimus says.

I frown at his reasoning but sigh. I tell Soundwave to open a ground bridge for me to the warship and he does. Me and the few vehicons go through it and it closes.

It was only then that I realized that I could have just sent everyone onto the warship. I groaned before looking at a map that might have someone's signal on it. Nothing. They probably had their signal blockers on. I hum softly before using my bond with Ratchet to speak with him.

'Ratchet, I need you to look for the others. I realized that I might have made a mistake by sending us all to different coordinates. I could have just brought everyone to the warship...'

I feel Ratchet chuckling through the bond. I grumble at him, causing him to chuckle a bit more.

'Don't worry, my love. I will keep a look out for the others.'

I thank Ratchet before attempting to contact my father through our bond.

I felt nothing. And that scared me. Ratchet could feel my fear and he sends a scrap load of comfort through our bond. I tried to hope that Optimus would be okay but I was worried.

Eventually, another ship came up on our radar. It was an Autobot ship. I hummed softly. Who could that be?

I had Soundwave send me to the area in which the ship was, as it had seemed to have landed. As soon as I went through the bridge, I saw the ship as well as someone I had not seen in a long time.

"Ultra Magnus", I say as I approach him, forgetting that he probably would not recognize me. He instantly aims a weapon at me.

"Woah! Calm down. The only enemy you will need to worry about here are insecticons and Arachnid", I say as I lift my hands up. "I mean you no harm. In fact, I come to gain your allegiance."

"I only ally myself with the Autobots", he snarls.

"The Autobots are no more", I say softly.

"Then you must be a Decepticon!" Ultra Magnus yells.

A New Battle Is Waging {Sequel to You Heal Me}Where stories live. Discover now