Chapter 5

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After an eventful morning of Smokescreen revealing himself to a human, and Jack teaching Smokescreen about our robots in disguise cover, as well as human laws, and teaching him about fast food which he didn't need to know, we are finally able to relax. I am working next to Ratchet, teaching him how to make signal blockers. If we need a stealth mission, we need to be able to hide from Swarm soldiers. We had to make a few adjustments in order to allow them to be visible to us. That was the only problem.

Suddenly, there is a noise throughout base. Ratchet looks at what it is and turns to me.

"A relic has been uncovered", he says. I nod and turn to Arcee.

"Arcee, we won't need everyone to go to get a relic. Take 5 other bots with you", I say and watch as she grabs Bee, Nebula, Bulkhead, Optimus, and surprisingly Megatron. I smile as she includes at least one former Decepticon. A few minutes after they leave, we lose connection to them. Ratchet tries to contact them and I could feel worry building up inside me. For some reason, another relic appears and I smile, glad I didn't send the entire team. There still weren't many bots in base though and I didn't want to take any vehicons. I sigh before turning to Soundwave.

"Bridge 15 vehicons to the coordinates, tell them not to engage any Swarm members if they find any", I command. I turn to Ratchet. "Bridge me, Dreadwing and Starscream to the coordinates of the second relic."

Suddenly, Smokescreen came driving in with Jack. They were laughing about something.

"Smokescreen, come with", I say. He nods and Ratchet opens a bridge.

We head out and stop behind some rocks. I see a sword stuck in the rock and I instantly recognize it. There were several insecticons milling about. I see Airachnid and Smokescreen tries to go out to get it but I stop him.

"Wait", I say.

"What, why?", he asks. I point to Airachnid. I com Ratchet.

"Ratchet, we need backup. Airachnid is here as well as several insecticons. We four can't take them all. And the relic is the Star Saber", I say.

"I can't get a hold of Optimus", Ratchet says. "And did you say Star Saber?"

"Keep trying. In the meanwhile, I will attempt to get the Star Saber", I say and stand up.

"Starscream, Smokescreen. Focus on the insecticons", I say before turning to Dreadwing. "Dreadwing, keep Airachnid distracted."

They nod and start to attack. Dreadwing did good at keeping Airachnid distracted but I knew it wouldn't last. I transform into my Predacon form and fly over to where the Saber is stuck. I transform so I can grab onto it easier.

I pull on it and it starts to glow, allowing it slide out easily. I lift it up and look at it.

I com Dreadwing. "Dreadwing, focus your attacks on the Insecticons now. I will handle Airachnid."

He doesn't respond. "Dreadwing?"

I look around and notice him on the ground. I glare and swing my new weapon around and it sends a blast to Airachnid. She looks up a second too late and is thrown back by the blast. She growls before sending a look to something behind me. I hear something pounding the ground and turn just in time to see a giant boulder coming toward me. I immediately swing the sword upward and it sends a blast through the rock, cutting it in half. I stare at it in amazement.

I hear Airachnid growl. " My loyal subjects, retreat!"

I watch as she flies away and as soon as she is out of sight, I turn to my team. Everyone was there, as well as a few vehicons. They must have come some time during the battle. Dreadwing had gotten up and made his way to the team. Bumblebee supported him. I watch them before talking to Ratchet.

"Ratchet, we require a groundbridge", I say. One opens and I allow my team through before following them. Once I was through, Smokescreen was recounting what I had done with the sword.

Suddenly, the sword started glowing. Optimus made his way over to me as I lifted it up to look at it. He grabbed a hold of it and we both stared at it.

Sounds of exclamations could be heard around the room before me and Optimus spoke at the same time. "We are receiving a message."

"From who?", someone asks.

"Alpha Trion", we both say, before we transported to another place.

It was completely white. I immediately knew that this was a similar place go where I became a Prime. I look at Optimus and he points forward. I look forward and see an old bot watching us.

"I wish I could meet you under better circumstances. Optimus Prime, Aura Prime, but I fear that Iacon will not withstand the next Decepticom assault", he says.

"So you speak to us across the ages", Optimus says.

"If you are listening to this message, then I take solace in that you now possess the Star Saber", Alpha Trion says. "I am certain that you have deduced how these Cybertronian relics and Decepticon weapons came to be found on such a remote world. Indeed, I transported them there, not so much to keep them from Megatron's hand but to ensure that they reach yours. As you may have long suspected, the Covenant of Primus records events of the future as well as the past. My imperfect understanding of it's runes affords me a shadowy glimpse of what is to come. The Covenants pages foretold that you both, Optimus Prime, Aura Prime, would journey to the small but significant and there would engage in a crucial chapter of the war against the Decepticons. I know neither the nature of your battle or its outcome. I only hope that these relics of the ancients will aid the Autobots in your time of need. Of utmost importance, in a few moments, I will launch the last of the relics, the most significant of them all."

He tells us what they are and what they will do. Soon after, we are transported back into the base. I stumble and drop the sword into the ground, Ratchet immediately by my side.

"Easy, Aura, Optimus", he says. I stand up and look at my team, sword in my hand.

Smokescreen says something but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was reeling of all the information I just learned. We can restore our home...

"What was the message?" Bulkhead asks.

"We must recover the final four Iacon relics, the Omega Keys", I say.

They all look at us in confusion.

"Keys?" Arcee asks.

"To what?" Ratchet adds.

"To the regeneration of our home planet", Optimus says.

They all stare at us in shock. I notice Jack in the human area.

"Jack, do not inform the other humans until we are ready to tell them", I say. He nods and I smile softly.

I don't think I'm ready to leave Earth yet. But we got to get the keys before Airachnid.

A New Battle Is Waging {Sequel to You Heal Me}Where stories live. Discover now