Chapter 14

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I had decided to host a celebration of the revival of our planet and we decided to hold it over by Darkmount. I had invited everyone and everyone but Ratchet, Shockwave, and the predacons came. We were all having a great time there until a loud thump was heard from the center of the room. Everyone looked and was surprised to see Megatron. With upgraded armor.

I was the first to speak. "M-megatron?"

He doesn't respond. I take a closer look at the armor and realize that it looks oddly familiar. The spikes on the shoulders, the helm. It was then that I realized. This was not Megatron. Because Megatron had dark energon running through his veins, there was something that kept him alive. And that something has taken over. Unicron.

"Unicron", I say confidently. He turns toward me and I shrink. I had hoped my suspicions were wrong but I was right.

"How do you know me, pest?"

"I fought you twice before. Once when I was Onyx Prime and the second when I was merely AuraStorm, daughter of Optimus Prime", I say confidently, unshrinking myself now.

Unicron stares at me. He stares at me hard. Then he says, "Prove it. Prove to me, you are who you say you are." I go to the very back of my mind where there was door. It was always sealed. It held the memories of Onyx Prime. Before I could open it, I passed out.

I blink as I look around. I realize I am still in my mind with the door in front of me. It's labelled Onyx Prime's memories. I go to open it but stop as I hear a voice behind me.

"Do you really want to do that to prove who you are to some worthless sucker?"

I turn to see who it is and it's the one and only Onyx Prime.

"Is there really any need to prove a point with my memories given to you. My memories will change you. I would suggest leaving that door closed. There is always another way to prove that you are a reincarnation of myself", he says.

I hum for a moment, looking between him and the door. And that's when an idea pops into my head.

"You got it", Onyx Prime says with a smile. I silently thank him and wake myself up.

I gasp as I stand up. Unicron was laughing.

"So weak she can't even face me! HA! There's no way she could be a reincarnation of Onyx", he was laughing, and his back was turned to me. I grin before silently transforming.

I crouch down and leap foward, knocking him over. We tussled for several minutes before I was left with the others and Unicron flew away.

"We need to find where he is going", I say as I stand up. "Soundwave, ground bridge to the warship."

A portal opens up and we all rush through it. I instantly find a computer and look for Megatron's signal. If Megatron is still alive in there then his signal will show through. And it did, I grin. But then I remember something.

"Did Unicron say what he wanted?" I asked the cybertronians near me.

"He wants to destroy Primus any way he can", Arcee says. I hum for a bit before a sudden realization hits me.

"Arcee, Bumblebee, call Optimus. Tell him that Unicron the Destroyer is here on Cybertron. I need to go find a few certain predacons, as well as two mechs that will need to be here", I say.

I find Ratchet quickly and he gets a ground bridge to the warship while I go and find the predacons and Soundwave. I find them in an area with several bones. And it seems that Unicron is also here. The predacons try to drive him off but they can't.

I decide to stop them before any of them get hurt.

"Hey! We'll fight this battle another day! Right now, we got to leave", I say. The predacons listen to me but it wa then that I reallized that maybe they were doing the right thing to distract Unicron. Because as soon as they leave him alone, he raises an army of undead predacons.

"Scrap", we all say in unison.

They overrun us, knocking us out for some time. When we come to, the bones are gone. I'm instantly on my pedes and transforming back into my predacon form. The three predacons follow my lead and Shockwave is about to transform into a vehicle but I stop by picking him up and placing him on Predaking's back. I smirk as Predaking then takes off with Skylynx and Darksteel following him. I then turn back to the now empty graveyard.

Feeling anger course through me, I take off and fly towards the well of allsparks where I find the predacons fighting off the undead predacons. I join them but I use my crystals and the white energy instead of my fire.

I expected them to evaporate but they didn't. Instead, they became alive. They weren't undead, they weren't skeletons, they were alive. I blinked and reeled backward.


In my head, I heard Onyx Prime, speak. "You are the Prime of Hope. You filled them with hope and in turn, that brought them back the undead waste they were. You are a truly special, I just hope that you don't overuse this power."

I couldn't believe it. This was... I shake my head out of it. I decide to refrain from using my white energy again. We shot fire at the remaining undead predacons, this time with more predacons on our side. I had gotten maybe about one hundred in that one blast.

Soon, Unicron breaks off from the main group where I see him going after a very familiar spaceship. Optimus and Wheeljack! They're back. They managed to avoid most of the shots fired at them but they still got hit by one and they crashlanded. But from that crashlanding, Optimus came flying out, holding the container that held the Allspark. He managed to evade Unicron for a little bit, in the end it failed. Unicron got the Allspark. But he didn't...

Unicron got sucked into the container and I was shocked. I immediately flew down to where everyone was where Optimus explained a bit of what happened.

"But if he's in there, where's the allspark?" Smokescreen asked the million dollar question. But then we heard a groan come from Megatron's body.

"Megatron?" I whisper. He looks at me as he slowly stands up.

"Hey, Aura", he whispers. I grin.

"Optimus got an upgrade, so you just had to go and get one too, didn't you?"

Megatron chuckles but then he looks solemnly at Optimus, who explained where the Allspark was. When he finished, I had tears in my eyes.

"Papa... You can't leave me... Not now! I lose one person I care about but when I get him back, I lose another? What next? You can't expect me to-"

Optimus quieted me by pulling me into a hug. "Aura, we will see each other again, I promise. Maybe not for a while but we will see each other. Trust me."

I stifle a sob as we all go to the edge of the Well of Allsparks. Optimus begins to talk as Ratchet pulls me close to him.

"Because the Matrix must now be relinquished with the Allspark, it cannot be restored or passed down to another. But while this may very well mark the end of the age of Primes, leadership can be earned with or without the Matrix, and, in my view... you have each acted as a Prime." It was at this moment where I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, I started full on sobbing. But Optimus continued to speak. "Every sentient being possesses the capacity for change. I ask only this of you, fellow Autobots ... keep fighting the noblest of fights. You can count on us to keep the peace. Above all, do not lament my absence... ...for in my Spark, I know that this is not the end... ...but merely a new beginning... ...simply put, another transformation."

With that, he flew off into the Well of Allsparks and I couldn't keep myself up anymore. "Papa... My papa is gone.... no... he can't be gone... please... I need him..."

A New Battle Is Waging {Sequel to You Heal Me}Where stories live. Discover now