Chapter 1: No Storm Alert

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It was Christmas, you were visiting family up in Detroit.

You went by train and arrived at your destination, your uncle's house. You knocked and waited for a good 5 seconds before he opened the door, he welcomes you with loving arms and lets you inside. He led you to your room and helped with the luggage.

But while he was getting your bags, you decided to peek in the other rooms. You opened the door that hid away his bedroom and saw something folding the clothes, or someone. But in correct terms, it was just a something, it was a female Android. It noticed you and looked up, you closed the door and walked back to your door to where you found your uncle again,

"Oh, where were you?" He asked.
"I was looking at the other rooms, you never told me you had an Android."
"Heyy kid, don't cha know that it's bad to peek around without permission?" He grabbed you and rubbed your hair, you both laughed as he let go.
"Well, I'll let ya unload now, actually, do you want my Android to help?" You shook your head.
"A'ight." He walked off and you walked inside. You opened your bags and began unpacking and organising.

You finished around 20 minutes later, so you went outside, hoping for a little snack. You went to find your uncle to see where he hid his chocolate bars when you bumped into his Android.

"I'm sorry, miss." It said.
"I-It's alright..."
"Are you okay? You seem a bit lost." It asked. It was only because you were trying to your uncle and you had no idea where he was.
"U-Uhm... yeah.. y-yeah... I, uh..." Why were you finding it so hard to speak? It was just a robot without emotions. Maybe it was because of how human it sounded and looked? Maybe you felt like it was an actual person judging you, but you knew it wasn't true. You finally sucked it up and told it,

"I... need to find my uncle."
"He's in the library."
"Thank you." You smiled and walked to where you thought the library was. You opened the door and scanned the room. You found him examining a couple of books, you waited for him to notice your intrusion before saying out loud,

"Hello, I exist." You saw him get startled by your voice.
"What do you need?" He turned around with his hands on his hips.
"I'm hungry and I want some snacks, where do you hide them?"
"I hide them in my kitchen, go find 'em yourself or ask Kara, my Android."
"Wow, rude." You snickered and he had his sarcastic smirk. You walked down to the kitchen and looked at all the cabinets but before looking in those, you walked to the fridge. You managed to find some whole boxes of chocolate bars and only grabbed like, 10 000 bars -just kidding, you only grabbed 3-. You went to your room and played on your phone while eating chocolate.

You texted a few friends, took some selfies and just wasted your time doing things on your phone. At one point, you could hear your uncle telling 'Kara' to set up the decor for his Christmas party.

You were aware of the Christmas party but you had mixed feelings about it, you knew your uncle would show you off to his friends, you wouldn't know anybody there and you would really only go outside for food, but for some unknown reason, you were kinda excited.

An hour passed by and you were feeling bored, remembering the library, you walked over and opened the door. There was really old jazz music, you always thought your uncle was kinda weird for listening to REALLY old music but as long as he wasn't hurting anybody, it would be fine.

You looked in all the sections, it wasn't a big library but there were a lot of books. There was a book that interested you just by it's title so you spent the next 3 hours reading it's chapters.

Your reading time would be cut off though by Kara coming in and telling you to get ready for the party.
You nodded and closed the book, putting it back in it's spot and going to your room.

You tied your hair up in a bun and wore a long shirt with black ripped jeans. Now all that was left was wait for the guests to arrive.

While you waited, you took a look at the main party room and you were in absolute shock at the sight. Chocolate fountains and candy galore, nachos and pizza heaven and a huge tower of cake, if there was any place you wanted to die in the most, it would be here, -because speaking from an author's perspective, who doesn't want to die in food-. You decided to sneak a vanilla-chocolate covered strawberry in your mouth and you could just tell from the taste, the strawberry was freshly plucked and the vanilla was at least 100 dollars.

You held back from eating another but you had to wait for the guests to arrive, it was common courtesy after all.

30 minutes flew by and a knock echoed through the front of the house. You were about to pick it up until Kara opened the door, here came the first few guests together. Your heart immediately sank, you realised how hard it would be to eat with all these people around, even if there were a load-ton of food, you realised your mistake and would forever think about for the next 10 years.

You just stood there and didn't do anything until the guests walked up to you and began talking with you,

"Oh! You must be Y/N! Nice to meet you!"
"Awww! I've heard your uncle talk about you but you're even cuter in person!"
"I brought gifts specifically for you too!" You were overcome by anxiety and a voice in your head was shouting above all these compliments and that voice was saying.
"Leave, this is making you uncomfortable." But you fought against that voice and kept a fake smile and shook their hands.

Soon, more and more guests were flooding in and talking to you and each other, it was all a blur of action pretty much until a specific someone walked in, you couldn't figure out why you specifically paid attention to them until someone else appeared from behind them, another Android.

Your uncle was talking to everybody and making sure they've met you so when he saw the ones that just came in the door, he immediately ran up to them and led them to you.

"Y/N, this is Hank! And this is his Android, Connor, Hank, Connor, this is Y/N." Your uncle smiled happily and left as Hank and Connor replied. Hank said,
"Hey, nice to meet ya." And Connor smiled and said,
"It's nice to meet you too."

Just then, something in your heart bursted, a flower just bloomed, a seashell had just landed on the shore, the first leaf in autumn just landed on the floor, was this.....

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