Chapter 2: Soft Hurricane

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"Nah, I'm just high and anxious." You thought to yourself.

"Nice to meet ya'll too."
"Well, I'm off to find booze, I ain't good at conversations, Connor, do whatever the fuck you want." Connor watched Hank walk away to get drunk as hell, you also watched him disappear into the crowd but your eyes turned back to Connor. You then realised the height difference, you felt so uncomfortable being shorter than a machine. He towered over you like a sky and you did not enjoy it. He turned his head towards you and you didn't know what to say.

"I... I... I... I'm not.. good at small talk or conversation." You stuttered, feeling awkward as ever.
"Understandable, 16 to 50 percent of the world is introverted, I'd guess you're an introvert because I've noticed how... uncomfortable you are right now in a crowded area like this." You nodded vigorously and laughed nervously.
"Shy as a kid, shy as a 16 year old, never grew out of the habit."
"Is there a reason you're so shy?"
"Hmmm... just felt uncomfortable, felt like I would be judged by everyone if I talked to them."
"That's not a very uncommon cause for shyness."
"I know. It sometimes even gets to some people's heads and gives them social anxiety. I'm glad I don't have social anxiety and that I'm still able to talk to some people."
"I know some ways you can fix your shyness, would you like to hear them?"
"Nah, I'm alright with learning on my own."

You then realised something, you were having a a smooth conversation with a robot.

"Well shit." You didn't think it was possible for you. Hallelujah. Your quiet hurray was cut off by Connor's reply.

"That's good to hear. I've noticed you looked less bothered, you didn't sound uncomfortable."
"Yeah, I've noticed it myself. Feels pretty good." You had a soft smile on without realising it.
"I heard you are the niece of the hoster of this party, is it true?"
"Yeah, came over for Christmas. My parents are coming in a few hours actually, they just had a fuck-ton of paperwork to do."
"What is their occupation?"
"They work in a company that hosts parties."
"What is their role in the company?"
"They just fill out papers, they are usually just orders/deliveries. What's your occupation? What model are you?"
"I'm an RK800, I'm Hank's partner in deviant investigating."
"Interesting." You remembered a whole section in the library just about robots, Androids, deviancy, etc.
"My uncle has a library, I think there may have been a whole section on robots, and deviants." You told him.
"Would you mind taking me to the library? I may learn something about the code in other Androids that might cause them to become deviants."
"Of course. That is, if the library isn't very populated right now, but my uncle likes to keep it open only to close friends and family so I don't think there would be many inside."
"But I'm not a friend or family of his, would I still be allowed in?"
"I think if you're with me then it's okay. He's a really nice guy."

You walked upstairs and Connor followed behind. You opened the door and wasn't really surprised to see nobody inside, yet the old music was playing, which you thought was a bit weird.

"Hm, nobody is here, guess it just makes it easier." You scanned the room again and walked to the robot section.

The books were colourful and it sure as hell smelled like books.

"Knock yo self out Connor, read. I'll be off reading somewhere else."
"Alright, thank you Y/N." He grabbed out a book and began reading while you looked at some other books more fit to your tastes.

After about 10 minutes, you stood up from your chair to check on him. You peeked from behind a bookshelf and saw him sitting on another copy of your chair, and on the little wooden desk were 5 books, stacked neatly on top of each other. You decided not to bother him but he has noticed you from behind the bookshelf.

"Ah, hello Y/N." You weren't really ready for a greeting so you replied,
"H-H-Hhhhiiii..." You were thinking of something to say.
"Soooo.... did you find out anything new?"
"A few things here and there, a few new differences in coding and effects paired with cause."
"G-Good to know... so, I'll be off." You made awkward finger guns and scooted off but then you realised you were a bit hungry so you scooted back and said,

"Hey, I'm off to get some snacks, ya mind staying here?"
"Sure, I'll stay here."
"Ok, thanks Connor." The door opened in front of you and closed behind you as you hopped down the stairs. There were still people there so you just looked over all the snacks, deciding which you wanted then planning to run off with enough.

You ran to the plate stacks and grabbed a fruit kebab dipped in chocolate, a slice of cake and crushed up candy stuck together by fruit juice then placed it on your paper plate. You dodged all the people you could and walked back up to the library.

You opened the door and closed it. You spotted him searching for another book so you left him to his business and walked back to your chair.

Time passed, you were not sure how much but your uncle opened the library door and you were startled.

He spotted Connor first then you,

"Is he with you?" He asked.
"A'ight. Anyways, wanna come down for karaoke?"
"No thanks, I'm ok here."
"Ok, bye." He waved and closed the door. You decided to check up on Connor again. You found him reading another book, this time 14 books stacked on the table.

"Can I help you?" He asked, only his eyes pointed to you, the actual direction his face was facing was still aimed at his book.
"O-Oh, I'm just here to check, I'll go."
"Ok." You decided you wanted to stop reading for a bit so you went on social media and listened to music. You even took a picture of your self, you didn't try to look cute or anything like that, you just had a soft smile and took it from a specific angle that also showcased the books too, you posted the picture to Instagram.

After a few minutes of being on your phone, you got a few comments.

"Aww cute! Can't wait till you come back Y/N!" This was from your motherly friend.
"Hah, no fair dude, give me some books so I can toughen up my brain." This was from your skater friend.
"Lmao, you're so ugly." This was from your really sarcastic friend.

"Wow, where are you right now?" Someone you didn't know commented but you didn't see any harm in replying, so you typed.
"I'm at my uncle's house in Detroit."
"Detroit? I live there!"
"Oh, cool!" They didn't reply after that. Just then, someone burst into the room. You remembered him but not his name, then you blurted out,

"Hank?" Oh yeah, that's his name you thought to yourself.
"Yeah yeah, kid, Hank's my name, Connor, we're leaving." He didn't sound drunk and you couldn't think of a reason he would leave so early.
"Why? What is the issue?" Connor asked.
"Jeffery said if I turned up a whole 5 hours after my shift again, I'm leaving the building and I sleep the minimum of 13 hours so we are leaving." Connor stood up and walked towards Hank. Hank closed the door and Connor followed behind, you overheard them talking.

"What were you even doing in there?"
"The host's daughter said that I may be able to find some more information on the coding of Androids in that room."
"Well, did ya find anything?"
"Yes, it turns out-"
"Close it Connor, I didn't ask what did you find."
"Oh, Okay." From there, you couldn't hear anything else.

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